Chapter 18

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Neither Peter or I said anything as we arrived to our Bio class. At first it wasn't awkward, but then I noticed how fidgety Peter was. His hands wouldn't stop messing with this rubber band he was holding, and every once in a while he'd run his hands through his brown waves.

Luckily, we weren't too late for class. Mr. Driver hadn't officially started class yet, only because I could assume that it was wait for the stragglers coming in from the hall.

Since we were still working on our project, everyone was seated at their lab table instead of their desks. They were all chatting until class had officially started, but I couldn't really hear them. Probably because I still was from my conversation with Cole. Their talking was just white noise to my ears.

Peter sat down before me, thanks to his legs being much longer than my own, and I could feel his stare as I sat on the stool next to him. As I looked in his direction though, he dropped his gaze.

He had stopped playing with the rubber band on his wrist and had now started fiddling with a yellow folder. It probably had the notes in it for the project.

I felt a bit bad that I wasn't there to help with the project, but granted I was almost taken advantage of by three creepy guys, I figured it was all right.

Also, I was glad that I didn't have to worry about exposing my powers to my classmates for a few days. Luckily, I had enough time over my long weekend to rest up enough to where I might not be so tempted to touch the plants. I pretty much stayed in bed all weekend with my sun lamp on, so I felt really well rested.

Pulling out my phone, I sent a text to Megan, Jess, and I's Groupchat, Extraordinaires. Jess came up with the name a year ago when we all had our powers for a month or two. She was trying to reference back to our super powers by stating that we were amazing because of them.

She chose that name because the "Specials" didn't sound all that exciting. So she made up her own word and it's been that way ever since.

Ficus: Two people have already talked to me about what happened. Argh.

Clicking my phone off, I waited for one of my friends to reply. Jess was almost always looking at her phone though, so I was positive that she would reply soon.

As I waited, I felt Peter'a stare again on the side of my face.  Of all the time that I had known him, I never had pictured him as a starer. I highly doubted that he was checking me out, so I didn't know why he had to be looking at me for so long.

Remembering what he had told me earlier, I turned to face him. "Sorry Peter, what did you want to talk about again?"

Peter's eyes widened and his Adam's apple bobbed. "What?"

"Out in the hallway, you wanted to talk about something?" I reminded him, pulling my folder out of my bag.

"Oh yeah, umm, I—"

"Alright class, make sure that you move your flower into a different soil to see the different living conditions," Mr. Driver said, interrupting Peter.

I had no clue what Mr. Driver was talking about, maybe because I had missed the last day or so, but I didn't care. All I knew, was that I was not going to touch that plant, no matter what.

"How about we just talk about it after class?" I suggested. Peter only nodded, seeming not too pleased with my idea.

"Okay, sounds good," I said, looking at my packet for the assignment. Hopefully Peter would be fine doing all the manual labor, because I was not going to touch that plant and risk exposing my powers.

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