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I drive down the freeway at night with a little tunes to different songs playing off my phone. I hear my phone go off and I pick it up seeing the caller id.

"Yes baby." I say with a smile with one hand on the wheel.

"Just wanted to make sure your safe, I can't sleep without you." Sam says with a sigh.

"Your so cheesy Wilk." I laugh. "But guess what."

"What?" Sam said excitedly.

"Your putting me in danger. I'm on the freeway. Love you bye." I say quickly hanging up before he can say anything.

I laugh at myself before I get a text.

Baby💍💦: Your gonna pay for that.

I laugh at the text jus leaving it on read.

30 minutes later I pull up at my sister's apartment. I go up the stairs knocking on the door. No answer. I suddenly here screaming and crying and I open the door seeing it's unlocked. I run to Ryan's room seeing him in tears standing up in his crib.

"Aww my poor baby." I say pulling him out of the crib and onto my shoulder. I rock him back and forth before he calms down with little hiccups.

I see a bag with a bunch of things and a note.

Thank you for taking Ryan for the next week while I'm in Puerto Rico. I'm sorry I lied and said I was going to work but thanks anyway.


I almost wanted to yell. She fucking lied and made me take care of her kid while she's in PR!?

I lied Ryan in the crib and slowly rubbed his stomach while I called my sister.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Is the first thing I yell when she picks up.

"Wow calm down it's just a week." Kristina said as anger rushed through my body.

"I know it's a week but you didn't have to lie to me tell me you were going to work." I grit through my teeth trying not to upset Ryan.

"I know but Josh and I (her boyfriend) just wanted a lul bit of alone time, so he put us onto a flight to PR last minute." She says I could hear mumbling in the background.

"What are you talking about!? This past year with Ryan you have been nothing but lazy I spend more time with him than you do! Talking bout how you need time to yourself's, BULLSHIT!" I yell into the phone sitting down just in case I pass out.

There was a bit of silence. "You know what Kayla we are boarding, I have to go." She says before hanging up.

I through my phone on the couch falling back before it rings again. I groaned seeing baby over the caller I'd.

"Yes Sam." I say trying to keep my temper.

"I know I'm bothering you but are you almost back." He asks and I can hear the worry laced in his voice.

"I'll be back in like an hour babe." I say looking at Ryan asleep in the crib.

"Okay I'm sorry for bothering you I love you." He says waiting for a reply.

"Don't worry about it, thank you, I love you." I say before he hangs up.

I open up the duffle bag and see 3 outfits, she didn't even try to pack anything.

It took me a good 15mins to pack everything and I used a second duffle bag. I put the duffle bags in the trunk and I went back inside and got Ryan who was sound asleep.

45min drive later I pull into Sam's driveway and Sam came running out of the house and hugged me immediately.

"Babe." I say catching his attention.

"Mm. Oh sorry." He says letting go of me. "I just missed you."

"I was gone for 2 hours." I laughed as he got Ryan out of the car. He is so good with kids and if makes me so happy.

"I know, waaaaay too long." He said as I got the 2 duffle bags out of the back.

We get inside and I drop the duffle bags on Sam's floor and face plant into the bed. Sam laughed as he set Ryan in between us and he curls up onto his stomach. Sam lies down and I pull out the letter from my sister.

He slowly scans over the letter then smiles.

"We get to take care of this rascal for a week." He smiles.

"Yea or I can just take him back to my place and just stay there so we're not in your way." I say and Sam immediately shakes his head no.

"No I want to take care of him." He smiles before lying all the way back and I slowly drifted to sleep.

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