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Ryan and I walked into the studio.

"Hi Taylor." I said to the person at the front desk. She looked at me confused.

"Hi Kayla. What are you doing here?" She asked me over the counter.

"Oh I just thought I would stop by since Ryan hasn't been here in a while." I say and she nods and I make i way to the elevator.

I step inside clicking the 5th floor.

Once the doors open I go to Sam's studio. I open the door seeing an empty room. I put Ryan down on a chair and look at some of the tracks they have been running. The last track they ran was one of Sam's new song at 4:30pm.

I dug through my purse finding my phone. I dialed Sam's phone number. "Hey this is Sammy Wilk. Leave me a message." I rolled my eyes as I walked out of studio. I drove all the way home with the same question running through my head.

Where is he?

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