Chapter 1

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Omg todays the day I'm going to the 2014 brits! I'm so excited! I put on my jeans that I went out with my mum to get earlier and then applied some make-up to myself. I looked myself up and down in the mirror and smiled. I was a night to remember! I grabbed my bag, phone, money ,put my coat and  shoes on and grabbed a change of clothes to change into once it started as it was still a few hours to go yet!

"I'm ready!" I cried to my mum down stairs,

"Ok hop into the car! I'll be there in a sec!" she replied

I took out my mum's car keys from her bag and walked over to the car, I unlocked it and put the heating on inside. In England this time of year its freezing! I jumped into the car with warm air hitting me.Soon after my mum joined me. 

"Here" she said, passing her phone to me, "text dad that we are on our way"

My dad works in the O2 where the brits are held, thats how we got our tickets so cheap for us to go today. I love my mum and dad! I really do! 

I took the phone off my mum and texted my dad as mum started to drive,

Hi dad! We are on our way! see you soon! xxx

I also texted ALL my friends (what? its not like I dont have friends!) on my phone and while looking thorough my contacts I have on my phone I saw a name I had know idea how I got...Justine....She is like, the most popular' and the bully of the school you could say. So I decided to text her my good news,

Hai Justine! I bet you don't notice me at school but I was just wondering are you watching the brits today?

A few moments later I got a reply

Umm who are you? And if you must know I AM watching it and my mum and dad arranged a big party for it and im watching it on my new 95 inch flatscreen tv that cost £249.99

I laughed and thought that she didn't have my number

Oh are you? well i'm watching it live at the O2!

That would show her what a show-off she is!

Who is this?

I said I was 'someone from school' I played around with her a bit longer then I turned my phone off, I dont want to lose my battery!

"Here!" Mum told me as we got to the tubes.

We went through the tube to come outside of the O2. I've never seen it in person before, but I have been told inside it is huge! And yep! it was! it was like a huge tent with everything inside.

"I'm hungry!" I complained to mum,

"Lets go to Nandos then and have something to eat before it starts in an hour and a half" my mum offered

So we went into nandos and guess who we saw! it was.............

I was having a wee! -harry styles-Where stories live. Discover now