Chapter 6

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I woke up the next morning bright eyed and cheery. I looked at my phone to see what the time was.

"6:00AM?" I said out loud, I don't normally up until about 7 at the earliest on school days.

I tried to get back to sleep but I couldn't so I decided to go on Twitter, Facebook, Instergram all those weird but wonderful site to post my pics from last night. I especially made a big deal of the harry pictures I took. "People would think they were fake anyway" I thought to myself.

'#BUSTED @HarryStyles last night at the #BritAwards2014 good luck explaining them pics Harry!' I posted along with the pictures of him and Ashlyn. I then posted the rest of the pictures of my night out. From pictures of the stage to selfies with me and Layla. 

I could't be bothered to lay in bed any longer so I got up to get dressed. I have to put on my horrible school uniform which consists of a white shirt, knee length skirt, a blue jumper, a blue tie and then I put on a pair of socks and my black school shoes. Then I brushed and tied my hair up into a fishtail plait/braid. I ran down stairs to make some toast. I looked at the time on my phone, 7:12AM it flashed. "Perfect timing" I said as the toast popped out the toaster. 


I picked up my phone and answered with a mouth full of my toast "Ello?"

"Don't speak with your mouth full!" Layla moaned at me from the phone,

"Sorry" I replied, taking another bite and walking into the living room. 

"Anyway wanna get a lift? I told my dad that I was 'too tired to walk to school' haha" she whispered,

"WHATS THAT?" I heard Layla's dad, Greg shouts, 

"NOTHING DAD!" she shouts back "soo?"

"Sure what time?" I ask

"In about.... 20-30 minutes?"

"Kay see you then"

"see ya"

I turned on the tv and catched up on a bit on Eastenders until I hear a beep outside.

"BYE!" I scream to my mum that's still in bed, my dad goes to work early so he isn't here. She mumbles something to what I think is 'bye see you later' but im not sure for certain.

I get in Layla's dad's car and go to school (duh aha)

When we get to school I thank Greg and walk towards the entrance of the school.

Layla and I go to the library as that's the most quietest place to go in the mornings because there's students and teachers and staff I don't even know running around trying to get things done before the bell goes.

"Rach?" Asks Layla

"Mmmm?" I answer back 

"Those pics you posted of uh... you-know-who?"


"Are they um real?"

"Yes" I answer blankly "they are"

The bell then goes so I stand up quickly to get to my locker before I get pushed in the stampede that happens everyday. 

"See you in spanish" I told Layla and she nodded. She is lucky because her tutor room is right next to the library and mine is on the other side of the school.

Oh the joy of being at school.

I finally got to my locker, outside my tutor room and stuffed all my bag in it ,only taking my study planner, my reading book and a pen out. Then walk over to my class room.

"Jessie Smith?" My tutor,Mrs Evens called out 

"Yes miss!"

"Rachel Tate? Rachel? Does anyone know where Rachel is?" Mrs Evens asked

Just as I walked in Justine called out "She probably has diarrhea miss!" revering that one time in year 5 when I didn't come to class because I locked myself in the toilet cubicle because I had 'an accident'. Everyone laughed - even my tutor and I thought she was one of the descent teachers in the school! As soon as she saw she tried to cover up the laugh with a cough then called my name out again.

"Here" I grumbled and I took out my book I'm currently reading, its called Insurgent by Veronica Roth. Its also the second book in the Divergent series. The bell rings once again for first period. Maths. I hate maths to be honest I don't much of it and the worse thing is that I sorta need glasses but I hate the way they look on me, so I also have trouble reading things from far away. But in the end you could say I'm a pretty good guesser and sometimes I might even take a sneak peek at the work of others that sit next to me.

I walk down the corridor and up the stair to room 24. Surprisingly I was the first one there so I hung around outside to see if Layla's class was next to mine - which 9 times out of 10 for maths it is. As on cue she comes up the stairs with Sadie and Eleanor, our other friends. I give them a small wave and Sadie comes to joi me for our maths lesson. 

"Meet out here" Layla mouths and I mouthed back ok.

"Why are you out here for?" asked Sadie.

"No reason. Just didn't want to sit in the silence on my own" I claimed

"Chop chop" cried our maths teacher as she walks in the class, we follow behind her like most of the rest of the class are. She has to take our register then she announces we have to revise for a test that will be coming soon.All the class moans apart from one kid who is I'll say a bit mental. 

One of the reasons I have tests so much is because there's a pattern that goes a little like this:

School = 2 + 2 = 4

Homework = 2 + 4 +2 = 8

Test = Omar has 4 apples, his train is 7 minutes early, calculate the mass of the sun.

See what I mean? Its so frustrating!

I grab my phone from my pocket and hid it under the table to check whats going on with the world and i've noticed that I had an unusual amount to notifications from everywhere. My picture of Harry to be exact. And even a DM from twitter actually from THE Harry Styles himself... I can't be in too much trouble can I? I mean, all I did was take one picture...or three..

I was having a wee! -harry styles-Where stories live. Discover now