Chapter 5

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The girls and I went over to my house. Once we got here we thought Camila was at home since her car was parked in the garage. I went in to see Kevin her driver and I was surprised to see why he was here. I went up to him and he gave me a sweet smile.

"Oh hello Ms.Hernandez." He said.

"Hey Kevin. Did you bring Camila home?" I asked him.

"No. I came to drop her car off here." He said.

"Where's Camila then?" I asked him. He looked down and I knew that Camila told him not to tell anyone about where she was going.

"Its okay Kev. I'll just call her." I told him sweetly. He nodded and left the house which left the girls confused.

"What's wrong Ally?" Lauren asked me.

"Its Mila." I said.

"Why? What happened?" She asked.

"She left." I told her.

"Where?" She asked me. I thought of places where she could be and one popped into my mind.

"At the island she told me about." I said. 

"She has an island?" Lauren asked surprised.

"Yup." I said popping the "P" and I took out my phone to call Camila. I placed in on speaker.

"Hello?" Her voice said.


"Never Ally and I promise I'll be back before school begins. I just need time for myself okay? Love you byee." She said before hanging up so I couldn't say anything else.

"Ugh that girl seriously I'll strangle her when she comes back." I said gritting my teeth.

*1 Month Later*

The girls stayed at my house for the rest of Christmas Break and Camila should be coming home today. I was in the couch going through the channels until one caught my eye.

"This just in a private jet was seen hit by a storm and that private jet belonged to none other than heiress to Cabello Corporation, Camila Cabello and it was reported that she was in that plane on her way back to Miami from her private island. A rescue team was sent to find her and her pilot Captain Clark Kent. We send our prayers to them and their family." The news reporter said.

I started to scream and sob and I felt strong arms wrap around me and I knew it was Lauren. I hugged her back and cried some more.

"What happened Ally?" Dinah asked concerned.

"C-Camila... Pl-plane cr-crash... G-gone." I said stuttering and having a hard time to say everything. I felt all of them hug me all at the same time. Camila why did you leave me? Why?


Camila's gone... I feel like my heart was just reduced to air. Yes I love her but I knew I didn't deserve her so I hurt her and ignored her and now she's gone and she never knew I love her. Its been a year and she still hasn't been found. They found the pilot but not her and they told us that she's gone for good and that they will stop the search. I've been different ever since. I've changed my ways and tried to be a better person. Yeah everyone was still scared of me because I was the Leader of the Unholy Crew but I don't sleep around with anyone anymore. Normani and Dinah have started to date each other 3 months ago and Troy and Ally are still going strong. Ariana moved to another country to try and forget Camila because it crushed her when she found out they stopped the search. There were 2 new additions to the group.. Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez they've been dating for 3 years. We're all in our Junior year. All I'm praying for is that Camila comes back and I could tell her everything. Come back to me please... This reminds me of 3 years ago. Freshman year.


"Laureenn come on!!!" I heard Alexa say. God I love this girl so much.

"Fine don't get up we won't go on the date I planned for us." She told me pouting.

"Alright I'm coming babe." I told her. I got ready and once I got down she looked so stunning even her casual clothes.

"Babe you look magnificent." I tell her before giving her passionate kiss.

"So do you." She told me. She had this whole day arranged for us and it was perfect until the restaurant we went to got robbed and they shot her straight in her heart. I saw it all happen because she saved me from getting shot.

"Babe no. Why?" I asked her stuttering my words and crying.

"I wouldn't want you to get hurt." She said smiling. I was still crying at this point.

"Babe you should've let me do it. Come one lets bring you to the hospital." I told her. I was about to carry her but she stopped me.

"No Lauren. I can feel myself slipping away and I need you to know... I'll ..... Always .... Love you.... F-forever." She said before she was completely gone. I cried so hard

"No..." I said in soft voice. Today was supposed to be the best day of our lives but somethings must come to an end...

*Flashback ends* 

Ugh does everyone I love die? I have such bad luck on love. After Alexa died I have been trying to get her off my mind and that's why I slept around with girls but now that Camila is gone, I knew that was a stupid choice and now I'm trying to make myself better. I hope she comes back. I love her and I need to tell her that. Camila come back to me... Please.


A/N: hey guys!! Finally you find out what happened to Lauren 2, well now 3 years ago.Yeah she lost someone she loved and now it happened again. On the next chapter Ally explains Camila's 3 years ago story as well. Stay tuned ;) Love y'all -C

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