Chapter 7

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Its been 5 months since Camila's father came to talk to Ally and we've been looking for ever since. I miss her so much even tho I've been with Camila only a few months before she got lost but the feeling in my heart its like someone planted a bomb on it. Camila please come back to us, to me.. I need you. I love you.


We've been searching for Camila for so long already and I want to give up but I can't. Other than losing our families companies we don't want to lose a friend and a family member. Mila I'll find you I promise.


Its been 5 months since Harry found me unconscious on his private island near Hawaii. He's been keeping me safe and well taken care of. Yes I know Harry. I didn't notice him right away because I just washed up on shore when I felt his arms pick me up. Harry was my only best friend back in Miami. Ally was my cousin and best friend but the one I trusted more than Ally was Harry. Harry protected me from bullies since the 1st grade. He's been there for me ever since. When I decided to move to California I cried knowing I'd be leaving my only friend and my hero. I plan to return to Miami today and Harry arranged everything for me to get back. If there is one thing I have learned from this experience its that I should seize everything in front of me. I heard a knock from the door. I was in a guest room Harry had in his house.

"Come in." I said to whoever was knocking on the door.

"Hey Kaki." Harry said smiling at me as he entered my room.

"Hey Hazza. What's up?" I asked smiling at him.

"Just checking if you need anything else before your flight today.." He said.

"No Harry I don't need anything else for the hundred time." I said laughing lightly to how much Harry was being so concerned. 

"Alright. Alright. I'm going to miss you Kaki. Visit me soon in Miami alright?" He said before giving me a kiss on the forehead. I hugged him tightly before noticing I made his shirt wet with my tears.

"What's wrong Kaks?" He asked his voice full of concern.

"I'm just so grateful to have you Hazz. You've been that hero I've always dreamed of since I was in kindergarten. You've been that brother I never had but wished I had. I love you so much Hazz." I said getting emotional. Without Harry I don't think I could've survived elementary and middle school.

"You're always welcome Camila. You know I'll always protect you. Now its time for you to go back to California. See you soon Kaki." He said before letting me go and walking over to my luggage. I only had one bag since I lost everything during the plane crash. We walked out of the room and down the stairs to the outside of Harry's house. I saw his car parked outside and he place my bag on the trunk of his car and opened the door for me and he got on the driver's side. He drove all the way to the mini airport he had and we said our "See Ya Later's" before I boarded the plane that would take me back to everyone. Harry and I never say goodbye because we always knew we'd always see each other again somehow. The plane ride was 10 hours long. Once I got off the plane and got my bag, I called for a cab and gave him the Ally's address since I would probably find them there. When I got there I looked for the spare key Ally would always hid under the flowers she planted. I got it and was surprised no one was home. I went to my room to unpack and decided to wait for them in the living room.


Once we postponed the search for Camila today we decided to crash in Ally's house since we love it there. When we got there we were surprised to see the lights on. We had a weird look on our face which probably made Ally say that her parents might be home. We didn't bother to ask anymore questions since we were all tired but once we opened the door we were so surprised and shock to see Camila right there waiting for us on the couch..

"Hey guys. I missed you" She said with tears on her eyes.


A/N: Hey guys I plan on ending this fic soon because I sadly ran out of ideas for this fic. I promise to give you a good ending tho :) I plan on making a new fic that I think you guys might like. Its a bit personal to me but it won't all be true tho. So yeah that's all. Love y'all -C


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