Chapter 12

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Once our call ended, I heard the front door open. I went downstairs right away to see Camila with a sad expression on her eyes. God this will seriously kill me but I hope that he forgives me once all of this over. I really want our engagement special. I decided to speak up so that she knows I'm here.

"Hey" I said. She looked up and sighed.

"What's wrong?" I asked and of course I knew the answer but I have to play along to get everything perfect and the way I want it to be. She looked at me and spoke up."

"Lauren are you cheating on me?" She asked with her voice breaking and it pained my heart to see her this hurt. I stayed quiet and looked at the floor not because of what she was accusing me of but because I was ashamed of myself for letting this happen to her.

"You did didn't you? Oh my god Lauren. You know what our engagement is over but my heart can't take it if I broke  up with you too so give me some space for awhile okay? I don't want to see you for awhile after this." She said spitting poison on her words and it made me flinch because she hated me so much right now and I hope it goes well with Ally because Ally is the last stop before it finally ends on me.


I saw Camila exit her house again so I decided to call her before she got in her car. It took 3 rings before she finally picked up the phone. I heard a few sniffles from the other line before she finally spoke up.

"H-Hello?" She said stuttering her words.

"Hey Mila! I was wondering if you were busy right now. I wanna go out and watch a movie you up for it?" I asked her trying to sound as less disturbed by this as possible.

"Uh I can't" She said sobbing. 

"Mila what's wrong?" I asked her. Of course I knew but I have to ask to not raise suspicions.

"C-can we talk about it at our hiding place?" She asked me.

"Alright I'll pick you up where are you?" I asked her.

"Uhm I'll meet you at your house is that okay?" She asked me. 

"Yeah sure see you there boo." I told her before hanging up. 

Lauren please I do hope this works.


-At Ally' House.-

I waited for Ally to arrive since her mom told me she went out to the mall a little while ago. I stopped crying but I never stopped thinking about her... Lauren I mean. When I heard Ally's car outside I sprinted outside before saying goodbye to Ally's mom. I got in the car immediately and told her to drive. We didn't talk and I was okay with it. Ally and I's hiding place to talk is at this mountain top and we go there during the night because it's quiet and a little dark so that means we had our own privacy. Ally parked the car and we both got out and started the hike up the mountain and I noticed the lights coming from our hiding spot and when I looked back Ally was gone. Okay weird. Anyways I continue to climb up until I see this huge ass banner tied to both trees saying "Marry Me Please?" and then a soft guitar song plays and then I see Lauren come out with a dozen of roses, while wearing this short white dress partnered with her white heels. I didn't say anything because of the shock. I look around and the place was covered in candles and rose petals everywhere. Bubbles were coming out of nowhere and I look to my right and see Dinah, Normani and Ally wearing white dresses and white heels. I hear Lauren call my name and my attention is back at this lovely lady in front of me.

"Okay before you leave or go ape shit on me I have to tell you that the cold shoulder I've been giving you was all part of this plan. I know its messed up and it really made you think I was cheating on you but I wanted to give you a memorable and very well deserved engagement that you need. I love you and no one else Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao. You make my heart flutter and my body quiver at the slightest touch. Your kisses make my knees so weak I could barely stand up most of the time. I hate how you act cute towards other guys, I know I get jealous easily so don't go and teasing me with that Cabello. I love you with all my heart and I swear to god that you are the only one I wanna send the rest of my life with. So with that will you, Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao, marry me, Lauren Michelle Jauregui Morgado?" She asked me. I walked up to her and slapped so hard on the face. 

"I deserve that." She said whispering and she looked down hurt maybe thinking I was going to say no. She was about to leave but I grabbed her wrist right away. She looks straight into my eyes and I see the hurt in them. I placed my hand on the cheek where I slapped her but she flinched at first thinking I was going to slap so I just spoke up.

"Yes Lauren, I'd love to marry you and spend the rest of my life teasing you of your enormous jealousy fits." I said giggling before capturing her lips on mine. I heard the girls cheering for us and I now know this is who I'm supposed to spend my life with.


A/N: OMG I'M SERIOUSLY SO SUPER SORRY FOR NOT POSTING THIS SOONER. :( Anyway I'm planning to end this fic after the next chapter which is the ending. So watch out for that. :) Love y'all -C

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