Dominic Thiem

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Okay I really really love Dominic Thiem so I had to start with him! Hope you enjoy it! :)!

''His laugh is so cute, you have to admit that he's such a great guy. One day he will be on the top of the game'' I heard some girls saying while I was practicing my game with my coach. I had no idea who they were talking about, but I had no interest of getting to know it.

''Come on Y/N! Focus, play better because this looks like shit!'' my coach screamed at me and I tried to play better but whatever I did nothing would help. I hated it when my coach screamed at me, but my budget was way too small to buy myself a nice and better coach. I had to do what I needed to do to become a better player. When my training was over I walked to my bag and placed my racket into my bag and waved the people who were watching me train goodbye. 

''What are you going to do this afternoon? Training more? Y/N, you really need to improve your game. This looks like real shit and if it does not improve you'll never even be able to even pass the qualification rounds! And that's not what we want, do we?'' my coach said to me and I smiled at him, ''of course thats not what we want. I'm going with Caroline to a party this afternoon. She promised me to train on my serve as well, she'll be able to make me better coach. I promise I will get better and I will never let you down'' I smiled at him and he gently rubbed my back.

''That great old Caroline always there to help you. Always there to pretend that she's your coach instead of me'' my coach smiled and he looked up to me as if I was nothing. ''No training with Caroline tomorrow. If I do see you training with her I won't be your coach anymore. Get some sleep and try to at least have a little bit of fun at the party'' my coach said and he walked away without saying goodbye.

As a matter of fact my best friend Caroline Wozniacki always wanted to help to get myself back in form again, but my coach hated her. He truly hated her and every time that he saw us together he always had some lame excuse to get me for himself. I wondered what his problem was as I looked into the mirror, trying to make the decision of which dress I should wear. ''Are you almost ready babe, we really need to leave in five minutes!'' I heard Caroline screaming out of the bathroom. I nodded and I looked at myself in that thick red dress, not really into it at all. I hated the way my body looked in the dress and I decided to go for a flower skirt with a white top onto it. I looked cute, not sexy but that's how I wanted to look. Cute, not sexy.

As Caroline and I walked into the party I was really nervous and I had no idea what to expect at the party. I knew people like Andy Murray, Rafael Nadal and Djokovic would be there but I didn't really felt like meeting them. They would forget about me the minute after we've talked anyway. ''So, are you nervous?'' Caroline asked as we walked up the stairs towards the doors of the party. 

''I really am, I have no idea what's going on. I don't feel like I am even supposed to be here, like I'm not a big player at all Caroline'' I nervously answered and I looked at the ground trying not to fall with my high heels on. ''Oh come on Y/N! We've been over this, I needed a date and you are my date! And you do play tennis so what's the problem here?'' Caroline sighed and she grabbed my hand to pull me up when she reached the floors.

The minute Caroline and I walked inside of the party she got greeted and hugged by so many players that I didn't even knew the name of, it made me feel really awkward and Caroline kind of forgot about me. I knew she never did it on purpose, but I did felt really alone. ''This is Y/N, my best friend! Meet Grigor Dimitrov, a great player'' Caroline smiled.

I don't know why I felt this way, I just felt lonely insecure and I felt like this was not the moment to be here. I had a shitty day, I felt so miserable because of my coach and all I wanted to do was just lay down on my bed pretending I had a great time and watching Netflix all night long. Instead of cuddling with my bear I was here at a party I didn't want to be. 

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