Grigor Dimitrov

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It was seven pm and Grigor and I were planning to go out with our friends, Maria, Caroline, Andy and Rafael. We planned to go this club in Barcelona that we've wanted to visit. 

''This is good right,'' I asked Maria as I stood in front of the mirror to check my outfit. We were going to have dinner first. Maria nodded, she was too busy on her phone. ''I should ask Grigor for my date'' I sighed while I really wanted a real date.

Grigor and I have been friends for forever, and he knew everything about me and I knew everything about him. Somehow we always ended up together at parties, dinners, stuff we do together we are always there together. But I wanted real love and not just a best friend. I grabbed my phone as I started to tick in Grigor's name. ''Yeah, you should totally do that'' Maria nodded while she was still on her phone.

''Hey, want to be my date for tonight? ;) X'' I decided to text and I got back to the bathroom to do my hair. After a while I decided to check on Maria since it was already seven pm, and we were supposed to meet at 30 minutes past seven. Since Maria and I wanted to go to pharmacy before we meet up with the rest of the people we really needed to go. ''Maria, are you ready?'' I asked and I grabbed my phone just to quickly notice that Grigor had texted me back.

''Yeah, I'm ready babe'' Maria answered and she showed up in front of me with a tight white dress. She totally blew my mind. ''Wow, Maria you look so gorgeous'' I whispered and I smiled at my best friend.

''Aww, thank you so much y/n'' Maria smiled and she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. ''You look gorgeous too, Grigor's going to fall in love with you I bet'' Maria playfully answered and she gave me a wink. ''Uh, okay'' I answered back and smiled as I opened the message from Grigor. 

''Hey, I'm sorry Y/N, I have a real date tonight. Looks like you are going to have to find somebody else. Sorry! Love, Grigor'' A real date? As I read his text I accidentally dropped my phone. ''Wow, everything okay with you? Seems like you just read something terrible or exciting'' Maria said as she went down to grab my phone. ''It's Grigor'' I stumbled as I looked at Maria, who looked wonderful.

''He said that he can't be my date tonight because he has a real one'' I whispered and I walked towards the mirror, to check how I looked. Wasn't I good enough? Who was I fooling anyway, Grigor and I weren't a couple so I shouldn't be jealous at all. ''Well I'm dying to know who it is anyway. Sha'll we go babe? You'll be fine without a date!'' Maria said as she tried to make me feel better. I didn't know why but it felt like someone stabbed my back.

''I'm going back to the bathroom forget the pharmacy'' I said as I looked at Maria. ''I'm going to blow him away with my looks tonight, and so will I blow away that stupid bitch'' I said as I was surprised of my own words.

Maria and I stood in the elevator as someone entered the elevator. It was Novak, one of my bestes friends. ''Novak, do I look good?'' I asked as him once he gave Maria and I three kisses on the cheek. ''Y/N, you always look good but today you look stunning'' he smiled and he pushed on the button where he needed to get out of the elevator. ''Great, I'm really going to blow him away''.

Maria and I entered the lobby of the hotel room where we planned to meet with our friends and our dates. ''Come on, you've got this Y/N'' I said to myself as I followed Maria down to the meeting spot. ''Hey girls, here we are!'' Rafael said as he happy waved us hello. His eyes ligthed up as soon as he saw me.

''Y/N, you look so beautiful tonight!'' he said as he gave me a hug. I felt that I was blushing, I loved it when Rafa called me beautiful. He was my best friend and I really loved him for that. He always made me feel so great about myself, even if I looked horrible he would tell me that I looked beautiful which really gave me a boost on my self-esteem. 

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