Dominic Thiem and Alexander Zverev

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Written from Dominic's POV & in a third person, this adds more depth to the story. Pretend you are her/she. Have fun with this story which actually shows a deeper message, never take anyone or anything for granted.

He had his issues. She had her issues. When they promised not to ever leave each other because of those issues, they never expected to let it get this far. To let their issues, get so much to their heads that this day, had split up and didn't even talked to each other anymore.

It bothered her, that he was already seeing someone else if she were to believe the media. Was everything they had done together, just for fun? Didn't it mean everything? Didn't he care how she'd be crying in bed, letting the demons get into her head wishing that they would've handled things differently? Didn't he?

It bothered him, that she didn't even seem to care. That every time he tried to make a manse with her, she would completely ignore it and not see it. It bothered him that while he was doing everything in order to even feel remotely better, that she was going out to parties celebrating the fact that they called it quits. If he even were to believe the media, she had told several friends of her that she was happy that she got rid of him. And that hurt.

He loved her, obviously never stopped loving her but things just didn't work out between them. It hurt him incredibly when they both agreed on ending things between them after four happy years of dating. ''The spark just isn't there anymore, we both got different priorities in life and we can't match those,'' she had said while holding back her tears. He didn't understand why at that time she showed remorse and showed the pain their decision had caused, but now she didn't even care. He thought about that moment several times after their breakup and still couldn't figure it out. ''I understand that, but can't we try just one more time? I feel like you and I really belong together, you know that I love you,'' he had answered.

He meant every word of that, he really wanted to give it another shot. He really wanted her in his life as his partner, as the woman he once was going to marry. He couldn't let her go and wouldn't even be able to imagine life without her. ''But haven't we tried several times, Dominic? What's going to be different this time?'' she had answered. Again, she had a straight point. They had been having this argument for over a year now all coming down to the same statement, them having different priorities in life. They promised to give it another shot every time, but it never worked out. That's why he answered that she was right, that they probably tried everything and that it just wasn't meant to be.

It wasn't his intention to meet someone so quickly after they publicly announced their break-up. It wasn't his intention to fall in love with somebody else, that somebody who had been chasing him every day since he got together with her. He knew that when the first photo of them hanging out appeared on the internet, it would probably hurt her. Which is why he texted her in advance saying that it wasn't serious between them. She didn't response. Ever. He got to know the woman he was seeing more and seemed to like every feature about her. It got him thinking if their decision to split up was really for the best.

Kiki, the woman he had been seeing for a couple of weeks now seemed to like and do everything he wanted. She thought the same thing about many situations as he did, which caused to the couple never arguing. Only three months after his break-up with her, he got officially together with Kiki. It felt good to not have arguments about the silliest things. He ended up texting you again, that he hoped that he didn't hurt you. This time you did respond. ''You didn't. Have a good life with her, Dominic. I hope you're happy and that she'll give you what I couldn't,'' is what she responded. It got him wondering again, if he was really over you. Because he couldn't answer if Kiki indeed offered him what you always couldn't offer. Which is being okay with the fact that he was mostly on the court, playing practicing and playing tennis.

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