Stefanos Tsitsipas

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Y/L/N = your last name.

You weren't the one for parties. You wanted to everything in your power to make your carrier work, but somehow everyone got their positive sides of it but you. Every strike you got was meant to tear you down, to make you stop playing tennis. You watched all your friends climbing higher into the top 100 rankings but you. Every day you were on court, trying to make yourself better and to get better at playing tennis. You were happy for your friends doing so well and getting the recognition they deserved, but at the same time it did hurt you that no matter how hard you tried things didn't work out well for you. That was probably also the reason why people barely spoke to you or you to them.

''Please just join us, at this one party. I mean, Rafael invited you personally you can't say no to that'' one of your friends Kiki said to you. You smiled at her, you were so happy for how her life turned out. She was doing so great and she was placed as world number four on Roland Garros – something you've dreamed of since forever. You looked in the mirror and put on your sunglasses. ''Maybe I will, but first we'll have to see Stefanos play. He invited me'' you replied. Just when you wanted to leave the bathroom, you saw Kiki looking at you while her mouth fell open.

You laughed, ''oh please don't give me that look. We're friends'' you answered smiling. Kiki began laughing too and her head turned red, ''we're just friends! Sure, it's not like Stefanos fills up all your boxes'' she answered. ''I don't care if he does, my carrier is more important'' you answered while leaving the bathroom. ''Yeah sure why are you going to his match then? If your carrier is more important you should be playing tennis now'' she playfully answered.

You did like Stefanos. He was the only person who you liked talking to, somehow, he seemed genuine. That's why you said yes to watch his game today, if it was somebody else asking you the same question you would've said no. Stefanos and you met two years ago when you were both visiting Rafael Nadal's Academy. The only positive thing in your carrier was that Rafael Nadal cared about you and tutored you throughout your whole tennis carrier. When you were visiting his Academy for the first time, Stefanos was invited too. You two hit off immediately and became close friends. Throughout the years, you had shut down many people because of your irritations. Stefanos and you stopped talking too for a while because you weren't happy with your life at all. Until three months ago, Stefanos and you would've completely ignored each other when you saw him. But, three months ago he came up to you and confronted you with the way you acted towards him. He wanted you back as a friend and he told you that you were in the wrong.

Although you didn't agree with Stefanos saying that you were in the wrong, you did miss him. You tried to act like he meant nothing to you, but the truth was way uglier. You were getting sad without him and close to being in a depression. When you saw him with other people laughing acting like everything was fine, you would go mad. You would talk bad about him to other people just to make yourself better. To cover up the truth that you missed him like crazy. ''I don't want to lose Stefanos again. You and Stefanos are the only ones I care about, Kiki,'' you said while you grabbed your bag. ''Oh, yeah and Rafael too'' you quickly added.

Kiki smiled at you, ''I love you too. Even though you seem cold, you really aren't. You're a sweet person y/n'' she said and with that the two of you left the hotel room on your way to see Stefanos play his second round in Roland Garros.

If you would've made it through the qualifying rounds you would've played here too. But of course, your knee decided to quit on you when you needed it the most. ''We're here for Stefanos Tsitsipas!'' Kiki said as she showed her card to the man who was guarding the Chatrier. ''Yeah sure. He told me someone named y/n was coming to see his game today. Is that you?'' the man said looking at Kiki. You couldn't help but burst out in laughter. ''That's me!'' you answered, feeling a little bit ashamed. You could see the man was turning red.

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