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*Jinyoung's POV*
Jinyoung and Mark's respite was quite blissful, But all happy days had to come to an end as they both had to go back to their busy bee lives. Mark, getting ready for his comeback and Jinyoung, the manager work.

"Jinyoung, good job on Mark's success. I hope you'll continue to give me good reviews. Since Mark is offline from the world for a while. I have a job for you. It's as a substitute for an idol whose manager has gone away for a week. Just take care of him for a week. I hope I can trust you," PD JYP said as he stood up and shook his hand.

"Yes sir, I won't disappoint you." Jinyoung replied enthusiastically.

Jinyoung reached the dressing room of his temporary employer and knocked on his door. The sign on the door read WANG JACKSON.

"Come in."

A husky voice from inside replied.

Jinyoung opened the door and let himself in. Jackson was siting in front of the mirror getting his make up done.

"Anyonghaseyo. I'm Jinyoung, you're temporary manager. Nice to meet you." Jinyoung bowed politely.

"Ah! Yes! I've heard! Nice to meet you man!" Jackson replied enthusiastically, getting up and giving Jinyoung a hug, " Hope we can become best friends!"

Jinyoung immediately took a liking to this boy, he was so friendly and cheerful. It was hard not to smile around him. And Jinyoung indeed found himself smiling at his new friend/employer.

Jinyoung had not told Mark about his temporary job. For two reasons. One, Mark was busy preparing for his new album and he didn't want him disturbed. And second, he didn't believe it was such of a big deal.

I mean it's only one week. It'll pass soon. Jinyoung thought. What could possibly happen?

Soon Jinyoung was thrown into a whirlwind of Jackson's busy schedule that he had hardly seen Mark in the past few days. He hated to admit that he missed Mark terribly. He also wondered if Mark felt the same. 

Even if he did, he didn't show it, as there were no phone calls nor messages. This disappointed Jinyoung a bit. Instead Jinyoung kept himself busy with Jackson and he had quite a good time. Always laughing and joking around. Jackson was so open that skin ships were a normal thing for him.

At first Jinyoung hesitated but when he saw that Jackson was a foreigner so it  was normal for him. He then accepted it. And soon they had become friends.

One day, on the way back from work, Jackson and Jinyoung stopped by to eat something and Jackson had a tad bit of a drink. So Jinyoung helped him out of there. Jackson's arm was slung over Jinyoung's neck and Jinyoung had his arm wrapped around his waist for support. Jackson was drunk as a happy bum. His words slurring and a goofy grin on his face.

" Jinyoungieeee~~ .  Jinyoung ahh~. You're very cool. Unlike my old manager, please be my permanent one. Hehehehe. I know that you're already taken but I want you." Jackson pouted.

Jinyoung laughed because he had told Jackson about Mark and that Jackson was only teasing him and fully supported both of them.

Unfortunately Mark was passing by there when he saw and overheard Jackson's conversation with Jinyoung. That is, only the last words. 

Mark was indeed better to say, furious. And he didn't like it one bit.

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