Worst Reunion

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Aster stood behind her little brother. Idate sat at the edge of the river running through the training grounds. He let the water run over his toes absently. She leaned against one of the numerous trees. "You need to be more careful about what you say.." she said. Idate crossed his arms and refused to look at her. "Don't ignore me!" she cried. "Idate, listen to me! Please!" He turned suddenly, looking her into the eyes with all his anger and hate. "Shut up. You don't know anything." Aster stared at him, shocked that he had given up his act of ignorance. "I hate you! You act like you're so smart! But you've never done anything smart!" his voice was becoming shrill with anger. "Do you think you can outdo Hikaru or something? Why don't you just leave me alone?" "I'm only trying to help you!" Aster said, raising her voice. "I don't want your help.." he hissed, words like venom. Aster stood away from the comfort of the tree, her body and face were limp and pale, even in the bright sun of the afternoon. "That's good, because I won't help you anymore. If you hate me, I hate you too." She said it emotionlessly. Without casting him another glance, Aster walked away silently. Idate stared after her a minute, shocked and scared. That was it. No longer would he depend on her. It didn't matter that she was his sister. All he needed was Hikaru. Aster didn't need to be comforted; she could walk alone if she wanted. But not him, he would stay with Hikaru.

Kisame approached Itachi. At first Itachi ignored him, opening the door to go into the room where he had left the girl, so that he could give her medical care. When Kisame tried to follow him into the room, he stopped.

"What do you want?" Itachi said, shutting the door.

"What were you thinking? Saving that idiot girl. What's wrong with you? Have you gone mad?" Kisame was very to the point.

"I have my reasons, that's all you need to know," Itachi was being secretive again. Kisame's temper flared.

"No, that's not all I need to know. You can tell me now or go and finish her off now," Kisame said the words more confidently than he felt.

"No you won't," Itachi didn't threaten him back, but the glare he gave him destroyed his resolve to hurt her.

Then without further discussion Itachi walked into the room, shutting the door in Kisame's face. Kisame watched the door for a second, debating whether or not to bash it in. The he considered the fact that he might end up in a fight with Itachi. Itachi didn't care that they were both Akatsuki; he would do him in, in a second, given a chance. Kisame wasn't sure he would win in a head to head battle. With these uncertain thoughts, he walked down the hall to a different part of their hideout.

Itachi changed the damp cloth on her head and set up for fresh bandages. The wound was better, but still bleeding. It amazed him that she was still alive. He cut the old gauze quickly and rewrapped her entire abdomen expertly. As he cut the bandages to secure them, Aster's eyes fluttered. He couldn't be sure she would wake up any time soon, she was badly hurt. It was probably better if she stayed unconscious for a little while longer. Nonetheless, he sat at the foot of the bed, watching her intently.

Her eyes fluttered again. Then she groaned and shifted. Itachi sat immobile for a precious few seconds, shocked that she was already pushing out of her coma-like state.

Aster pushed herself almost into sitting position, but a shooting pain shot through her entire body. Reflexively, she curled in a fetal position. She bit her lip to keep from crying out. Instead of the pain easing, it only got worse.

Itachi dodged the cloth that had been on her forehead as it flew wildly through the air. He moved to uncurl as fast as he could. If she curled up like that, she would make the wound worse, not to mention the pain it would cause.

In an oddly diplomatic way, he put a hand on her shoulders and knees. He pried her legs away from her torso and forced her to lay flat on her back. She clawed at the sheets in her agony and tried to resist him. But after a few moments, the pain began to subside. Aster stopped struggling and looked up at him.

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