Vengeance Vs. Forgiveness Part 2

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Itachi dropped down onto the limb of tree rather gracelessly, facing out towards the orange glow of a setting sun. Thoughts raced through his mind, clouding it and making it hard to concentrate. He had come here to clear his cluttered head, hoping to find peace and quiet. A sigh escaped him as he leaned back on the trunk of the tree, folding his hands behind his head. The day was fading quickly, but it would return with full force the next morning, just like his worries. Bad things were on the horizon, and he was forced to go with the flow, powerless against the overall movement of the world. He glared out into space, angry with his own helplessness. It caused a sharp pain in his forehead and he winced, rubbing his eyes. I'll never be able to relax at this rate... He sighed, grinding his teeth. "Niisan?" There was a small tap on his shoulder, and he almost jumped. Sasuke had caught him off guard, he had been too lost in his thoughts to pay attention to his surroundings. "Niisan..?" the little voice intruded on his thoughts again. "What are you doing?" Itachi gave him a side long glance. "Mmm. Watching the sunset I guess..." he answered lamely. "Why?" Sasuke was quick to reply with another question. Itachi sighed heavily, slightly irritated by his brother's inquiries. "I feel like watching it. Does that bother you in some way?" he asked sarcastically. Sasuke bit his lip. "Can... Can I sit with you?" Itachi shifted, wrapping an arm around Sasuke and pulling him into his lap. "You annoy me to no end." He smiled, making himself comfortable. "Thanks Niisan..." Itachi started to shove him away as he leaned back to recline against his chest. "Don't get too comfortable, we aren't staying long." Sasuke ignored him. "Where do you need to be?" He gritted his teeth, trying to come up with a good reason to leave quickly. "I.. I have an anbu mission again." His little brother snuggled closer, making him more uncomfortable by the second. "You're a bad liar. You took too long to answer." Itachi finally gave up, resting his elbows on Sasuke's shoulders. "You shouldn't tell me how to make my lies more convincing." Sasuke nodded slightly, staring at the sun as it turned red. Itachi followed his gaze, and the colors buried him in his mind again. They lost track of time as the last trails of light disappeared over the horizon. "Niisan..." Itachi blinked, roused from his unsettling views on the future. "I love you.." Itachi gave Sasuke an odd look. His head turned up, eyes wide and earnest. He was waiting for answer, Itachi realized. He sighed for the hundredth time that day, ruffling Sasuke's hair. "Love you too, otouto.." But the things I see coming will still hurt you just as much, no matter what I feel for you. I'm sorry.

As he covered from the blast, Itachi appeared, weaving finger seals. Sasuke opened his eyes, waving the smoke away. He gasped, biting his lip as the hall lit up with a giant fireball. Thankful the flaming mass moved slowly, he had just enough time to retaliate and send another fireball to meet Itachi's. There was a loud crash as they collided, sending out a heat wave, almost sweeping them both off their feet. The stand off continued as they fed the fire. Heat was bearing down on them, making them sweat and gasp for air.

Sasuke glared across the space between him and Itachi, scowling in grim determination. He watched as Itachi turned back, ending the stream of fire to his jutsu. Sasuke gasped as he realized his chance. The fireball was advancing on Itachi, and there was nowhere to run.

A loud sizzling broke out, deafening them. Sasuke crumpled, holding his ears, and the room filled with steam. Itachi squeezed his eyes shut, struggling to breathe through the suffocating steam. The air was clearer near the floor, and Sasuke was able to glimpse his blinded brother. An idea hit him, and he began to crawl across the ground, planning to take Itachi by surprise.

He grinned, almost there. Itachi slammed his hands together in the sign of the tiger, forcing the air around him away violently. Sasuke was thrown into the wall by the thrust of the air, and the wind was knocked out of him. He struggled to regain his breath, trying to pull himself off the ground, his was cover broken. Itachi opened his eyes, instantly sighting Sasuke, sputtering on the wooden floorboards.

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