Dreamstate Ultimatum

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Aster strode beside Sasuke confidently. She had won the small quarrel and was almost done escorting him to his home. Night had fallen, and they quickened their pace a little, trotting in silence. Unconsciously, Aster forced them to slow their pace as they neared the entrance of the Uchiha compound. Something in the air was clouding her judgment with fear. She tried to be inconspicuous about what she was doing, but attempted to prolong reaching their destination. Sasuke was somehow oblivious to it, and pressed onward unsuspectingly. As the gate came into view, he twisted away from the vice grip she had on his shoulder. She took a few hesitant steps after him before they smell floated to her. Her stomach turned. It was something horrible. She had hoped to have left it behind her, in a distant nightmare. But somehow, the unmistakable smell of blood drifted through the calm night breeze. Her stomach wrenched again in revulsion. It baffled her that he didn't seem to notice. Maybe it was only her past experiences making her paranoid. Sasuke glanced back, smiling slightly and giving a minimal wave. "This is fine, I can make it the rest of the way home by myself." He called while trotting up the gate. I stayed out too late.. Mom and Dad will be mad! He worried as he jogged through the gates. Aster watched him go, waving weakly. She had a bad feeling, but it didn't seem like a person could live through the same horror twice. The smell of blood had been her imagination; no one was lying just out of view, dead. Aster stood, rooted to the spot. There was no other explanation for it than her wild hallucinations. But something inside her screamed that it was something more. Another gust of wind brought the stench even stronger. Despite her efforts, in filled her and broke the dam that held her worst memories back, letting them flood her. Struggling with her common sense and irrational urge to chase after Sasuke, she teetered where she stood. It wasn't until a scream pierced the night, that she realized how deathly still it had been. Instinct and her irrational thoughts took hold, and in the next second, she was bursting through the gate, searching for Sasuke in the living darkness.

Itachi rolled onto his back. The dawn had come sooner than he had wanted it to. He had stayed up later than he had planned, comforting Aster and dodging her questions. Glancing at her sideways, he realized how scandalous their situation looked, both of them in skimpy pajamas in bed.

Sitting up, he planned to dress and carry her to her room. Hopefully, she wouldn't wake. He nearly jumped out his skin when a hand seized his arm. Itachi glared at Aster over his shoulder.

"I'm a better actor than you give me credit for..." she murmured smugly.

Still glaring at her, "Let go. I would like to get proper clothing on."

"You're not going anywhere." She stated, still holding his upper arm firmly. Itachi gaped at her before her expression became serious. "You still haven't told me anything."

Itachi shook her off. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't lie to me.." she narrowed her eyes accusingly. "I know you remember." Aster pulled at his arm again, trying to reseat him on the edge of the bed. "What happened to drive you to this?"

Itachi pushed her back roughly and she tumbled backwards onto the mattress. "I don't need to tell you..."

Aster bolted upright. "You forced me to tell you all my secrets! It's not fair for you to hide things from me!" She sat, regaining her steady breathing after an outburst. In an undertone she continued. "I've never been in a relationship before.. but I know you can't keep secrets..."

"Life isn't fair." Itachi spoke quietly, but the air ceased its movement and the room became thick with tension.

Aster knit her eyebrows in something between confusion and pity, getting on Itachi's nerves. "How would you know something like that?"

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