Take Back

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  Sasuke opened his eyes slowly. A nightmare... That's all it was... Just a horrible dream. He breathed a sigh of relief, beginning to sit up. Abruptly, a stabbing sensation came from his shoulder. "Ah!" Grabbing the spot that was now throbbing, he looked over to see it bandaged. It... It wasn't a dream... A violent shudder tore through him. It was real. Breathing slowly, he tried to calm himself, forcing the invading recollections from his mind; but one drove itself to the front of his consciousness. Aster. Throwing off the sheets, Sasuke slipped out the hospital room's door. Moving down the hall quickly, he glanced at the information sheets on the doors. Only three doors down, he found one that read 'Aster Sukkeynumm.' He slid his hand over the wood, pushing it open softly. A cold breeze twisted around his knees as he stepped inside and shut the door behind him. As he looked around the room, his eyes landed on an obscenely white bed with a heap of rumpled sheets. It was empty. The curtains blew in a gentle draft as Sasuke took in the deserted room. She's gone... Tears were beginning to well in his eyes. He couldn't stand this place anymore. Without glancing back, he climbed out the open window.

Sasuke followed close behind Itachi as he entered the Akatsuki hideout. A small gust of wind stirred the water they stood on, distorting the ripples and their reflections. Taking a deep breath, Sasuke watched the rock move away and the entrance appear.

"Just stay calm. You don't have anything to worry about," Itachi muttered, glancing back at him.

"I'm not worried," Sasuke shot back.

Shaking his head, he led his younger brother into the darkened cave. The other Akatsuki were already assembled. With Sasuke trailing behind, Itachi leapt up onto the spot he occupied on the giant statue's hand.

"Itachi, I assume you have a good reason for bringing someone who isn't in our organization, and doesn't carry a bijuu, here?" Pien glared at them.

"You've heard about Kisame?" Itachi replied coolly. "Here's his killer," he continued, waving his hand toward Sasuke.

Looking at him with new eyes, Pien glanced him over. "Isn't this more reason to keep him out? I thought your brother wanted to kill you."

Sasuke stepped forward now, returning the distrusting glare. "You thought, and you thought wrong. I killed Hoshigaki Kisame in hopes of taking his place." He crossed his arms, showing no signs of fear or hesitation.

Itachi nodded, slipping him a small smirk that said This is going to be easier than we thought. "We need a new member as soon as possible. It's time to become more serious about tracking down the tailed beasts."

Pien nodded slightly, still giving the younger Uchiha skeptical looks. "All of this is true, but we can't just let anyone into the Akatsuki. I need proof he isn't a spy."

Itachi closed his eyes, swallowing his annoyance. "Isn't it my bringing him here proof enough? If you're still concerned, he is living with me. I have my eye on him at all times."

Glaring at him, Pien backed down. "Itachi, if he screws up, it's your ass."

Itachi started say something, but Sasuke cut him off. "I won't screw up." He glared at the leader confidently. "Don't underestimate me."

To both brothers' surprise he laughed. "Just as arrogant as Itachi." Shaking his head and turning to the rest of the congregation, he continued, "All of you, I'd like to welcome Uchiha Sasuke in place of Kisame."

Turning slowly, Sasuke looked around the room, memorizing faces. Faces of people he would fight. Faces of people he would eventually kill.

"Welcome little brother," Itachi said under his breath sarcastically.

Tsunade stood behind the desk slowly. "Fine, if this is what you wish. I won't try to stop you any more. Bring back Sasuke."

Naruto smiled. "We won't fail this time."

Sakura smirked, adjusting her glove. "We'll be back with Sasuke."

Leaning in the doorway, Kakashi nodded leisurely. Tsunade began to say something, but he cut her off. "Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on them."

She smiled, crossing her arms. "Go. Be gone with the three of you."

Confident in what was to come, Sakura, Naruto, and Kakashi left Konoha, following Pakkun towards Sasuke.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Itachi and Sasuke made their way back into the house they used as a poor excuse for a hideout. Both brothers sank into the couch tiredly.

"Naruto... He's our target..." It wasn't a question, but something Sasuke said to try to make it seem real.

"Do you know him? He was..." Itachi paused. The past was still a sensitive subject, and it probably always would be. Swallowing his rising doubts, he took a leap and continued. "He was at the hotel, the last time we fought."

Uncomfortable at the mention of the way things had been then, Sasuke diverted his eyes. "Yeah. He is... was... my best friend."

Sighing, Itachi followed Sasuke's gaze to the wall opposite them. "I'm sorry."

"Me too."

They sat in silence, worn by the stress of their time amongst the Akatsuki. Neither spoke, for fear of offending the other. But after a while, the silence grew to be increasingly awkward.

"What about nee-chan?" Sasuke used the word unconsciously and blushed slightly as he heard himself.

Itachi smirked, amused at Sasuke's reactions. "If she's not up, I think now might be a good time to wake her." He rose, shrugging off his cloak.

Sasuke followed suit, but tightened the uniform around him. "I think... I think it's going to be easier to show her rather than tell her."

"Definitely." Itachi started toward the room she had been staying in, but stopped when he saw his brother still standing behind. "Are you coming with me?"

Pressing his lips in a thin line, he sighed softly. "No. Not yet."

"Why?" Itachi was coming back.

"N-no, it's just..." He stuttered, not sure how to phrase his feelings. "A lot happened. I want to think about what I'm going to say..."

"That won't help, you know how she is," Itachi narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

"Just go." Sasuke shot him a dirty look.

Shaking his head again, Itachi started off. "I'll come get you."

"Okay..." His voice was softer than he had intended. Am I... Am I afraid?


Mentally preparing himself, Itachi slid open the door with an irritating creak. Aster stirred at the sound, sitting up sluggishly. Most of the bandages had now been removed, save for the one on her shoulder.

She smiled slowly. "I was wondering when you'd come."

He let his lips curve upwards. "How long have you been up?"

"Only a few hours," she replied softly. Itachi slid onto the bed, facing her.

"Good to see you, finally." He fingered a piece of her hair on her shoulder. The light from the window hit her at an odd angle, accenting the gentle look about her and the way her bangs framed her face.

Aster smiled again, leaning her head in his hand and taking hold of his wrist. "Good to finally be able to see you." She laughed quietly, catching Itachi's eyes.

He leaned in, pressing his lips against hers. She blushed as he pushed her hair behind her ear and wrapped an arm around her. In response, she slid her arms around him, but it was more to keep from falling backwards. She tightened her grip, enjoying the moment denied to them for so long, as his lips moved with hers. But it was over all too soon as he pulled back and she realized she had forgotten to breathe.

"Are you alright?" Itachi frowned. Her face had flushed and he could hear her breathing.

Aster shot him a playful glare. "I-I'm fine."

He sighed, still tired. "If you say so," he muttered, subconsciously reaching into his pocket.

"What do you have?" She turned her head, tweaking the corner of her mouth.

Blinking in slight surprise, Itachi pulled a kunai out of his pocket. He turned it over in his hand as they stared at it. "It's chipped..." he mumbled.

Scrunching her eyebrows together, Aster shot him a skeptical look. "And... Why is that in your pocket? It's rather ironic."

"Ironic?" Itachi scooted back, sitting cross-legged on the bed with her.

She put her hand over his. "Don't you remember it?" Aster gently moved his fingers away, revealing the flawed weapon. "We were training... At first."

Itachi let her take the kunai, putting a hand on his forehead. "Yes, I remember. I don't think I could forget it." They sat in silence, recalling their spoiled first kiss. "Aster, I think..." he paused uncomfortable. "I think the things we've been through qualify as something more than a 'boyfriend/girlfriend'..."

She smiled at him, flipping the weapon in her hand. "If I thought of you as a 'boyfriend,' I wouldn't have gone as far as I did for you. It's been more for a long time."

He plucked the kunai from her hand, twirling it on one finger. "Then... I guess marriage isn't out of the question? Mind you, it would be rather... unconventional."

Aster blushed. "Isn't that how this entire relationship has been?"

"True, very true."

She leaned back, against the bed's headboard. "So, I take it this is a proposal?"

Itachi shook his head. "An unconventional proposal." He smirked at her as she laughed softly. "We need to be consistent. What do you say?"

Aster took hold of his wrist, staring at his palm. He sat quietly as she made a business of examining his hand. "Aster Uchiha..." She tested the new name. "Do I have to wear the clan crest?" Aster asked, with a mock-frown.

"I take it this means yes?" Itachi caught her eyes and hand.

"Yes." She smiled at him.

"The scent is hard to follow," Pakkun told Kakashi as their pace slowed.

Naruto scowled as they came to a halt, giving Sakura a confused glare. "What's going on? We need to keep moving."

"Sasuke's scent is scattered and faint. It's becoming increasingly challenging to track." Kakashi crossed his arms, turning to his former students.

Naruto shot him a defiant look. "Then we need to try harder."

"Naruto," Sakura started, dropping her shoulders in disappointment and aggravation, "It's not that easy. We have to-"

"This way!" Pakkun pointed his paw somewhere that was vaguely left.

Moving quickly, Kakashi and Naruto trailed him. Sakura stood for a second, watching them. What happens when we find him?


Sasuke turned slowly as he felt the man behind him tap his shoulder. "You took quite a while."

"So you have everything you want to say planned out?" Itachi raised an eyebrow tiredly.

"No." Sasuke stood. "I have no clue what to say."

His elder brother smirked. "I thought so."

"Just shut up." He shook his head, walking beside Itachi as they approached the room.

Swinging open the door with one hand, he took a step back. "You first, little brother."

Sasuke glared at him. "You ass."

"If that's what you think," he shrugged, leaning in the door frame.

Stepping quietly, Sasuke moved toward the lumpy bed. He stopped at the foot of it, staring intently.

Aster sat up, rubbing her eyes. As she pulled her hand away, her body went numb. "S... Sasuke?"

Expressionless, he watched his feet; he had no idea what to expect from her.

"Come here." Aster waved her arm, motioning for him to come closer. Sasuke obeyed, unsure what would happen next. He gasped as she pulled him into a hug. "I'm sorry."

"Wha?" He pushed back slightly. "Sorry?"

She tugged at him again, keeping him hunched over at an odd angle. "I'm sorry... For not being there when you needed me... For losing control... For hurting you."

Sasuke pushed her off, giving her an astounded scowl. "You're sorry?" He shook his head. "Aren't I the one who's supposed to be apologizing?"

Befuddling him even more, she laughed gently. "You don't need to apologize to someone who loves you, otouto."

He looked down again, diverting his eyes as he searched for a response. It was then that he realized he was wearing the Akatsuki cloak. Aster watched as his thoughts played across his face and she noticed Itachi standing the doorway. Finally, Sasuke met her eyes, prepared to try to explain. "Aster, I-"

She set her mouth in grim line, eyeing him wearily. "Sasuke, I think it would best if you waited outside... I need to speak to Itachi." Aster shot Itachi a nasty look as he reclined nervously in the door.

"Er... Okay..." Sasuke answered hesitantly, backing away. He hadn't missed the scathing look she'd tried to slide past him. As he passed Itachi, he caught his eyes. "What is she-?" he mouthed, head turned away.

"Nothing I'm going to enjoy..." Itachi muttered resignedly. "Just go. I'll be back, if she doesn't tear me limb from limb."

A look of confused look of horror and shock pasted itself on Sasuke's face. "If you say so..." he whispered. Giving Aster one last wary glance, he slipped out of the room.

Now that they were alone, Itachi met her eyes. If looks could kill... He shuddered mentally. "So, what is it you wanted to discuss?"

"You know exactly what I'm going to say." She was gritting her teeth and seething with rage from the bed. "Why?"

Itachi sighed, stepping all the way in and shutting the door behind him. "Why not?"

"Why not?!" Aster was already raising her voice. "Do I really need to explain myself?!" Itachi made to reply but she cut him off. "What the hell were you thinking?! Dammit; he's 16! Do you even realize what kind of danger you've put him in?! Crap! Honestly-!"

She was steadily becoming louder and more agitated, and finally Itachi cut in. "Yes, I know, he's 16. He's not a small child anymore. Sasuke can handle himself and he's more than proven it." He took a breath as the words sunk in.

However, it was mere seconds before she was back at it. "But you've recklessly put him in harm's way! What in the hell is the point in that?! Please, enlighten me!" Aster was almost yelling and sarcasm was thick in her voice.

He glared at her, beginning to lose his temper. "I gave this more than a little thought, there was nothing 'reckless' about it." Itachi took a step closer, crossing his arms. "Sasuke is not in any 'danger'. Not only can he fend for himself, but if something should happen to get out of hand, he has both of us." He let his arms fall the tense the look about him fade. "Stop worrying about him."

Itachi watched as the fight died out of her and helplessness replaced it. "Stop worrying about him? Do you want me to stop breathing next?"

He sighed, sitting at the foot of the bed. "No, I didn't mean it like that... But you need to realize he doesn't need someone to hold his hand through everything. Let him have some damned freedom. Is that so bad?"

Aster pulled her legs to her chest, resting her forehead on her knees. "Akatsuki is freedom?"

Itachi sighed, shaking his head in an aggravated but sympathetic way. "No, but I don't plan to continue to be part this organization." She looked up at him with questioning eyes. "I have some... ideas. Just be patient."

Pulling her head up, she rested her elbows on her knees and put her chin in her hand. "Would you care to share these... ideas?"

"Later." He stood, waving his hand tiredly. "Sasuke, I know you've been standing there. Just come in."

The door opened slowly. "Sorry." He mumbled, shuffling in.

"So, how loud did Aster yell?" Itachi smirked, giving her a smug look out of the corner of his eye.

"Actually..." Sasuke rubbed the back of his head nervously. "I couldn't hear anything through the door. I mean, I heard voices, but it was muffled and..."

He smiled. "Good. That jutsu worked."

"What? Jutsu?" Aster shoved her eyebrows together. "I didn't see you do anything."

"Just because you didn't see it doesn't mean I didn't do it." Itachi gave her another smug smirk. "It makes it hard to hear things that... shouldn't be heard." He turned back to Sasuke. "Orochimaru did have some useful techniques."

He started before responding. "Yeah."

"I think we should continue your training. Not at the same pace as before, but..." Itachi glanced back at Aster. "You should go back to sleep."

"I feel like I've been up for several days straight, and all I did was talk to you." She shot him a mock-glare. "Just go. I'll be asleep in no time." Aster yawned to try to be convincing.

"We'll be back to check." Itachi caught Sasuke's shoulder, steering him back into the hall before she could retort.

They navigated the small house quickly and moved through the forest to a clearing. Sasuke blinked as he took in his surroundings. Grass... Grass... and a tree over there, over there, and over there. Oh wait, I'm surrounded. He thought sarcastically. "Back to it?"

"With a twist," Itachi took off his shuriken holster. "No weapons, no sharingan."

"Great..." Sasuke muttered, removing his sword and ninja tools. After a minute, he readied himself in a fighting stance. "Let's go."

Itachi disappeared, moving faster than the normal eye could follow. "Where would you like to go?" He appeared behind Sasuke, fist pulled back.

"You tell me!" Sasuke ducked, coming back with another solid punch.

The sun was disappearing over the horizon as Kakashi, Naruto and Sakura began to set up camp. The clearing was small, but it would have to do. Without wasting time, Kakashi started a small fire as Sakura helped Naruto lay out sleeping bags.

After a while in silence, Naruto sat down at the end of one of the sleeping bags. "How much longer until we reach Sasuke?"

Kakashi sighed. "There's no way to tell."

Sakura watched, torn, as Naruto's face hardened and Kakashi continued to gaze at the flames before him.

The days went by slowly, Itachi and Sasuke spent all hours of daylight training, and the hours without were whiled away discussing strategy, jutsu theory, and what tomorrow's training would consist of. Aster was still recovering slowly, and had just begun to move around again.

"OUCH!" she dropped a bowl into the sink as hot water spilt over the countertop. "Damned-!"

"Burnt yourself again?" Itachi rested his chin in his hand.

"Shut up." Shooting him another dirty look, Aster picked up the pot of boiling water, attempting to pour it. Again.

"Nee-chan, you don't need to do this..." Sasuke told her over his shoulder.

"Uchiha Sasuke," she turned fully, putting the pot back down. "Stay out of this."

"That water's getting cold." Itachi stood up from the seat she had dragged him into earlier. "Just give it up and sit down."

"Like hell I will!" Blocking him from the set up of bowls and dangerously hot pot, she tried again. The handle was still wet with scalding water from its previous slip as she tried in vain to grip it. "CRAP!" Aster howled in pain as she burnt herself for the fourth time that night. The pot fell from her hand, beginning to spin in the air. Moving quickly, Itachi managed to catch it loosely and drop it back onto the counter before it spilled over them.

"Dammit. Sit down." He pointed commandingly at the table. "Enough stupidity, you're still shaky."

Giving Itachi a sullen look, she slid into a chair. "Are you retarded?" Sasuke asked as she sat down.

"I told you to stay out of it." Aster scowled at him, turning red with embarrassment at the condition she was in.

"I was just making an observation..." He crossed his arms, leaning on the table.

Folding her arms and leaning back into the chair, she hissed at him, "That's nice. Keep it to yourself." Despite himself, Sasuke laughed. "I'm glad you think that's funny otouto." Aster muttered in a deadly way. "Obnoxious brat."

Sasuke was about to retort, but Itachi brought in the long awaited meal, dropping it down unceremoniously in front of them. He glanced at Aster as he slipped into the seat next to her. "That was much easier than you made it."

"I thought I told you to shut up..." She growled half-heartedly, stirring the instant ramen with her chopsticks.

Changing the subject, Sasuke played with his food, looking at it with apprehension. "More instant ramen? Is this all you eat?"

"You have something better?" Itachi mumbled, taking a small bite.

His younger sibling sighed resignedly. "No, but still..."

"Would you like to starve?" Itachi continued.

"Augh," Sasuke glared at him. "I get it, okay?"

They ate silently for a time, savoring the peace of the moment. "So," Aster started, stirring the remains of the meal. "What kind of training are you doing tomorrow?"

Sasuke looked to Itachi, waiting for his answer. It was a moment before he replied. "None."

"What?" Wondering if he had misheard, Sasuke put down his chopsticks, giving him his full attention.

Itachi sighed, lacing his fingers under his chin. "We're going to pause our training."

Clenching his fist, Sasuke met and held his eyes. "You didn't say anything about this before."

Aster watched them, tension building quickly. "Itachi...?" she looked at him nervously.

Abruptly, he stood, stretching and faking a yawn. "We can talk about it tomorrow. It's been a busy day." Itachi pushed his bowl towards the center of the table. "Last one done does dishes," he announced, promptly disappearing down the hall.

Aster and Sasuke sat, dumbfounded for a few moments, before meeting each other's gazes. Giving him a small smile, she waved him off. "I've got them tonight. Go to bed."

"You're just as much an ass as Itachi." Sasuke swept up the dishes. "The only difference is you're stupider."

Her mouth dropped open. "WHAT?!"

He snorted at her apparent awestruck horror. "You're pushing yourself too hard before you're fully recovered," he added in explanation.

Standing slowly, Aster scowled at him from under her bangs. "Next time, just say it like that. Be respectful." She rested her hand on his head. Sasuke stared at her, confused as an absurd thought raced through his head. Is she going to pet me? "'Night..." she ruffled his bangs slightly before shuffling off.

Shaking his head, Sasuke carried the dishes to the sink. She can be so odd...


The remnants of Team 7 awoke with the dawn, cleaning up without hesitation and following Pakkun's lead. They made their way through the forest silently with utmost stealth. Abruptly, Pakkun stopped and they all came to a halt.

"We're almost there." The small dog gave them a look of the highest importance. "His scent is much stronger and thicker through these woods."

As the dog started off again, Kakashi turned back to his now-grown students. "I want you to be wary. It's been two and half years... And do not forget the conditions under which Sasuke left."

Sakura nodded as Naruto's face fell. "Naruto..." She bit her lip, concerned about his reaction. "He might be... He might fight us again."

"I know that." He replied in passing, resetting the determined look he had been carrying all morning.

Aster and Itachi sat on the couch in the living room as Sasuke paced back and forth. "Why are we sitting here?"

"You're standing." Itachi answered calmly.

The adolescent Uchiha shot his elder brother a scathing look. "You know what I mean, bastard."

Aster sighed. "Didn't I tell you to be more respectful last night?" Sasuke glared in reply, still restless and deeply unsettled. Something was different, and Itachi knew what it was.

"Patience, you'll understand in a few minutes." He answered, reclining back into the cushions, much to Sasuke's annoyance.

"We've wasted over half the day; a decent reason would be nice," Sasuke hissed, tightening his folded arms.

All three of them stopped, feeling presences outside the door. "Your 'decent reason' has arrived." Itachi brushed himself off, striding towards the door. Giving him one last tired look, he pushed open the door.

Team 7 stared back, with Naruto in the lead. Naruto's mouth fell open in horror. There's no way in hell Sasuke's here! "You bastard!" he shouted, swinging a wild punch.

Itachi caught it and twisted his arm behind his back, stepping out the door. Shocked and disbelieving of what they had witnessed, Aster and Sasuke rushed out after them. The sunlight hit them full force and Aster held her arm over her eyes. Meanwhile, Sasuke locked gazes with a horror-struck Sakura and guarded Kakashi.

Finally, his stare fell on Naruto. "Naruto..."


There was a minute of taut silence as Naruto's expressions ranged from relief to disappointment, and stopped on hurt. Itachi released him, watching the wordless exchange as Sasuke diverted his eyes in shame.

Kakashi broke the painful spell over them. "So... This is what has become of my former pupil?"

Itachi stepped forward before Sasuke could answer. "I trust you want not only to capture us, but an explanation?" Sakura narrowed her eyes at him. Ignoring it, he waved his arm back at Aster and Sasuke. "Let's go."

"Let's go?!" Aster shouted incredulously.

"Back to Konoha," Itachi finished, earning astounded looks and glares from the ninja surrounding him.

Sasuke shook his head, shooting him a smug scowl. "You planned this?"

"Not so much as saw it coming." The older Uchiha shrugged, further confusing the Konoha ninja.

"I am not-!!" Aster's protests were stifled as Itachi covered her mouth with one. Nodding his head slightly, Sasuke started to lead the way in the general direction of the Leaf Village.

Sakura jumped in front of him, arms spread out and blocking his path. "What the hell is going on? You don't honestly expect us to just let three exiled nin waltz into Konoha...?"

Itachi released a still struggling Aster, but kept hold of her wrist. "The way I see it, you don't have much choice." He told them calmly. "It's three on three. Sasuke, Aster, and I much more than any of you could handle. Look at it this way, we're surrendering, going down without a fight."  

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