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"C'mon!" Sasuke pulled on Aster's hand, towing her along through the forest. "Hurry up!" Aster sighed irritably, "Okay, okay. I'm coming, just stop dragging me!" She cringed as sunlight hit them with sudden force. The tree branch's steady crunching sound ceased as Sasuke dropped her wrist. "There he is!" He pointed to his unsuspecting brother. Aster rubbed her eyes, glancing around her. Before she had regained her vision, Sasuke was off, dashing towards Itachi, who appeared to be sleeping. "Nii-san! Nii-san!" came the commanding call. Itachi narrowed his eyes, turning his head to see Sasuke rapidly approaching. He sat up, pushing his bangs out of his eyes. Sasuke was at his side in an instant, shaking his arm and urging him up. "C'mon! You promised! Get up!" Itachi shrugged out of his little brother's grasp as he stood. "What are you talking about?" he muttered sleepily. "You were supposed to train me today!" Sasuke glared at him. Aster sat watching them. Even though Itachi continually pushed Sasuke away, it was obvious he still cared about his brother. She felt abruptly alone as Sasuke pleaded with Itachi again. Sighing, she made to leave. "Aster," Itachi yelled lazily. "Get him off me." Sasuke shot Itachi another dirty look. "Stop being lazy! Will you just train with me today? Just this once?!" Aster laughed softly. "I can get him off if you train with him for a little while." Itachi gave her a tired scowl. "You're a lot of help..." he growled sarcastically. Sasuke grinned at her. "See! Even Aster-chan agrees with me!" Itachi smirked at him. "Fine, you've won me over. But just for a little while, I still have lots to do." Sasuke grabbed Itachi by the wrist, jerking him in the direction of the training grounds. "Hurry!" Itachi twisted his head back to Aster. "C'mon. Don't think you're getting out of this so easily. " Aster contorted her face in a grim smile. "I'm not the one who wanted out."

Itachi fumbled with hand seals to increase his focus. He cursed under his breath, trying to retake control of Kabuto. As he struggled with a failing jutsu, his feet carried him steadily.

He could see the stone halls through Kabuto's eyes, and he knew exactly where he was headed. Sasuke... Scowling in frustration he continued trying to manipulate Kabuto's consciencousness. Whatever happens, I can't let him reach Sasuke... But as he fought for control, he could feel Kabuto's elation as he drew closer to his target.

"I've been waiting, it took you long enough." Orochimaru stretched his lips into a leer.

Itachi glared back before squeezing his eyes shut to concentrate on the more pressing task at hand.

Orochimaru sighed, crossing his arms. "That's no way to treat your little brother's keeper."

This got Itachi's attention. "His keeper? You bastard..." Grinding his teeth he tried again for control, but now he could feel Sasuke's presence around the corner that Kabuto would turn past. He had lost.

Itachi felt Sasuke's eyes lock with the person he believed to him.

"Using one of my own subordinates to achieve your goals... Creative, very original. You live up to your name and legacy." Orochimaru snapped his arm out and three snakes shot out of his sleeve, twisting with one another and barring their fangs as they barreled toward Itachi. Itachi beheaded them all in one swift slice with a kunai. "Now I have your attention, very good."

Itachi moved behind Orochimaru faster than any eye could trace. "Die already," he muttered, pulling the kunai through Orochimaru's neck. His head bounced along the ground as Itachi took a step back.

The head's mouth opened up and a gargantuan snake flowed from it. The creature's sleek body arced in the air, its pointed head diving down on Itachi. He used his chakra to jump high above the animal as it bore a hole in the floor, filling the air with dirt and fine rocky dust. There was an explosion as Itachi set off a paper bomb he had attached to its head in passing. Gore and debris were rocketed through the air.

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