Lacking Response

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Itachi snuck back into the Uchiha home after the unnerving dinner experience. Running into to either of his parents would be very awkward. What did you say to your child when they tried to strangle you and then ran out the door? What did you say to your parents when you didn't regret hurting them? Itachi moved through shadows in the halls slowly, with an extra sense of alertness. Thankfully, he made it into his room unscathed. He flopped down on the bed. On the way back, he had met with Shusui. He had made his wild desire to save Sasuke almost a reality. He and Shusui were vaguely forming a plot to infiltrate the Akatsuki. Things were just beginning, but at least it was a start. He was jerked from his anxious thoughts by a small rap on the door. His stomach lurched. How had his parents figured out he had come in? Dreading what he was about to do, he slowly opened the door. His eyes widened when he swung the door back to see Sasuke standing in the dim light that spilled in from the hall. "Sasuke?" he muttered, still not quite sure. Sasuke gave him a pleading stare and hesitantly stepped halfway in the doorway. "Who are Akatsuki?" he asked quietly. His face became white and Sasuke fought the sudden chills running down his spine. His brother had never looked so... so.. frightened. Itachi grabbed his shoulder roughly, checking up and down the hall before throwing Sasuke onto his bed and locking the door. "How'd you know about Akatsuki?" Itachi hissed, trying not to raise his voice, or scare Sasuke even more. Sasuke trembled, but answered. "I.. I f-followed you and S-shusui.." he stuttered. Itachi's head spun. He was immediately angry with himself. Was he really careless enough that an academy student could easily spy on him? "Ho much did you hear?" Itachi breathed, trying to keep calm and decide what to do. Tears came to Sasuke's eyes. "Why do Mom and Dad want to sell me? Why don't they love me like other parents?" Itachi's stomach contorted uncomfortably, Sasuke knew just about everything there was to know. "Nobody's going to sell you so long as I have something to say about it. You understand?" he held Sasuke's eyes, hoping to convey his determination. "Niisan.." he whispered pitifully. Itachi looked him over for a second. It has come to this. I can't let them find out that this was leaked to Sasuke, both us will have hell to pay. I have to use that jutsu.. Dammit. I've never done that before, if it goes wrong.. No! I can't doubt myself now. I just hope this is one experiment where nothing goes wrong. Itachi sat on the bed next to Sasuke. "Look, it'll be okay. I'll even let you stay in here with me tonight." Itachi ruffled his hair. Sasuke only stared at him, dumbfounded. Itachi had always done his best to keep Sasuke out of his room. No matter how many nightmares he had, or how much he pleaded, sleeping with his brother was always strictly forbidden by Itachi. Thrown off by his sudden change of heart, Sasuke hesitated, but he didn't refuse. After the boy nodded his head profusely, Itachi shifted himself to sit criss-cross and face him. "I just have a favor to ask of you." Sasuke sat obediently, willing to whatever Itachi asked. "Just sit still for a minute, and no matter how bad this hurts, DON'T move." Confused, but not about to disagree, Sasuke prepared for the various agonizing pains he could imagine. He opened his eyes to see Itachi doing hand signs at blinding speed. His face was tense with concentration as his hands moved faster than the eye could see. Sasuke wanted to ask what was happening, but he wasn't sure what would happen if he broke his brother's focus. Suddenly, the seals ended and Itachi grabbed a hold of Sasuke's forehead firmly. Pain radiated from the spot, but Sasuke gritted his teeth and kept still. Itachi used his chakra to navigate through Sasuke's mind, reshaping memories and sealing off others. He felt his little brother's small hands clinging to his and clenching around the loose cloth of his shirt as he tried to repress the urge the writhe under the pain. Finally, it was complete and Itachi let him go. Sasuke fell backwards on the bed, unconscious. Itachi sighed. Everything was taken care of. At least he hoped it was, as long as the technique had worked. He was nervous, he had never altered anything in people's minds. But the results would have to wait until morning. Tired from the non-stop pressure and stress of the night, he repositioned Sasuke and fell asleep. He didn't even bother to change or move under the covers.

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