Chapter 4

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Of course by 'late', you mean an hour early, your still John and the classroom is deserted, just how you expected it to be. Your glad no-one is here though, Jade seams to be competing with you on who can get here earliest, she's held back by Jake because he drives the car, but you dread the day when he agrees and works with her. That guy has a competitive streak you know all too well.

The class consists of a matt that takes up half of the room, furthest from the door. It's rimmed with barriers wrapped in material that your pretty sure has very close ties with sandpaper, it's supposed to be there if anyone decides to go WWE during a match. You've only ever seen that happen once, Eridan tried to jump Rose one time but ended up getting a face full of grey when did her 'signature' move, she steps out of the way unnaturally fast and just... watches. He chipped his tooth (somehow) and moved away shortly after, you don't think that silly stunt was the reason though.

The door was to the right of the wall and to the left were two long tables with equally grey benches. In the far corner was a chair, and no, it wasn't a super comfy chair that everyone fought over. It was just a simple, plastic chair, but it was your chair, so you sat on it. You had claimed it as your property since the day you arrived, you think it wasn't actually supposed to be there, but the teacher hadn't moved it yet and it had been two years.

The bag was then quickly placed on the floor and the blue and white belt quickly retrieved. You then rolled up your sleeve and wrapped it around your arm without the watch, like lace on a ballerina shoe. You then rolled the sleeve back down. No-one had complained about you not having your belt on show before, they all knew what your colours were.

Then you waited for your friends.

Rose usually gets a lift from her 'bro', as she calls him. You both usually text each other on pesterchum while she drives over to the class. Then you usually continue your conversation in person if no one else was there. She took the time to learn asl for you. She prefers talking to you on pesterchum though because she says you are more 'chatty'.

EctoBiologist started pestering TentacleTherapist

EB: hi rose!
TT: Greetings, John.
EB: back to last times topic, what do you think the new guys gonna be like?
TT: I hope that they are not like Eridan, however, we do need someone to fill in his place as the 'retard' of the group.
EB: i hope he isn't too but i don't mind if he's a pos like eridan as long as he doesn't talk to me
EB: assuming he's a boy
TT: Yes. We should be stopping off at the club house (ITS THE MICKEY MOUSE, CLUB HOUSE! sorry) soon, just a couple of minutes away.
EB: cool :B
TT: You can't use that emoji anymore John! You no longer have 'buck teeth'!
EB: i know! It's great! i still like to use it though :B
TT: OK, we are here now, see you in a second.
EB: c ya

You look up from your phone at Rose, she sees you in your usual seat and smiles then hurries over. Her pink, almost identical bag gets almost chucked on top of yours, but you don't make a move to save the food, you know it won't hit.

All of your friends took 'specialities' when you started training, or at least when you joined. Rose was precise and fast. She often delivered quick, weak blows in uncovered places in her matches. Not on pressure points, just random places that confused your hands into covering the wrong areas. Kanaya also played like this though, it was extremely hard to follow their fights.

Jade and Jake walked in a couple of minutes after, Rose walked off and joined them on the closest bench to you, leaving her bag where it was. The fact that they were so early could lead to trouble in the future though. Jake literally could not say no when Jade really wanted something. And she really wanted to beat you at anything. Even if it was as simple as getting to the club before you did.

Karkat was next, and then the room was filled with his 'unique' voice.

Roxy came in with Vriska, they sat at the other end of the table, they always left the next grey table for the other people who they didn't know that well.

Gamzee came in next, your still surprised he can lug himself here every day of class. Your pretty sure he's high 80% of the time and passed out the other 20%.

Kanaya came in next and sat next to Rose, they started chatting in their extremely intelligent way immediately.

Terezi literally lept in and sat down in one fluid motion.

The next three were probably the only people who you didn't know that well in the class, but you knew enough to be able to fight them effectively. Fae, the girl with the red hair and bounce in her step. Sur, the boy with raven black hair and ridiculously good at dodging, you doubted he would make it to the finals though because his main tactic was to dodge until the opposition got tired. Hard to do in only 2 minutes. And last but not least. Sun, the blonde curly haired girl who hung out with Fae, she was the emotional version of Fae's indifference to sadness and similar emotions. People called them the 'happy twins', you will never find a cheesier name anywhere.

Then you would have our last player, the new person who was supposed to be filling in for Eridan after his sudden move. He was the last to arrive, and probably the strangest of all the people there.

He walked in with a fluid grace that made you slightly nervous. Only slightly.

His hair looked windswept but was still fashionable, he wore black skinny jeans and a white and red top with a broken record on the front. His jacket was the thing that surprised you the most, it was completely red but with a darker cog pattern on the back, very similar to the ones all of your friends wore to class except for the zip. They all had theirs on today.

You swear you made eye contact with him as he sat opposite to Sun, Fae and Sur, but you'll never know because of his stupid sunglasses. They took up half his face. But on the other half of his was a completely passive expression, his lips turned up into a smirk when he scanned the room, or at least you thought he scanned it, those damn glasses again.

He put up his hand to rest his face on when a strawberry blonde lock fell in front of his glasses, it was moved by a quick hair flip.


[My keyboard's playing up :( - Dem]

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