Chapter 9

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You are one fucked over bitch.

Even your poker face might not survive through this, write on your grave 'was fucked over by John'. Holy sweet mother of Jegus.

The second you realised who and what you were fighting you totally started freaking out.

But on the inside, never on the outside.

Your thought process went along the lines of 'whydidithinkicoulddothisyouaresostupiddavehehaswaymoretrainingwhydisyoueventhinkyouwouldbegoodenoughtobeateveryonehereohmylord-'

All was dandy really.




Your name is John Egbert and you just hope that guy can see with those glasses on. You really don't want him landing on his face or whatever, it would break his shades and ruin is pretty half face.

Wait what.

Anyway, this guy is good, he seems to be very opposite of you- and a surprisingly good match aswell. Every move had a counter, and he seemed to know all of them. You wonder how he knew what you were going to do though, surely he couldn't have seen your belt in the millisecond that it was showing?

If he did then oh well, but you kind of wanted it to be a surprise. Like a 'look what I can do!' kind of thing.

He was very fluid for someone with offensive, always moving out of reach and trying to sweep you off your feet.

It was like that for several minutes, a dance of peace somehow within the war of the fight. A quick glimpse to the right showed everyone with mouths hanging open, no-one had ever really lasted this long with you before. Well, when you were actually trying.

However that slight movement almost got you a punch in the face, thank jegus you can dodge so well, how humiliating would it be to go home to your dad with probably two black eyes.

More like how much more 'training' you would have to endure.

You started looking for weak spots in his defence but he seemed to have none, he was a very well kept fighter. Sadly, everyone has a weaknesses, you're just lucky no one has found out yours yet.

A quick twist and spin while he was mid punch left him completely exposed to you, where you delivered a series of short blows that left him falling towards the floor.

Everything seemed to slow down as he fell, you looked at his sunglasses, and it struck you that you remembered them from somewhere... Suddenly wanting to get a closer look, you caught him and stared at them. It may have seemed you were peering into his eyes, and the position certainly led others to believe something different.

But no, you've forgotten again, you'd probably seen them on the market somewhere. Oh well.

You lowered him to the floor and noticed a tiny bead of sweat run down his face, he was either really nervous or exhausted. Despite the fact he probably wasn't looking at you, you smiled. It was a 'sorry for beating you up' smile. You just hope that's how he saw it, you have been told your smiles can come off pretty malicious sometimes.


You're wearing the sunglasses John recently stared into oblivion, you have never gotten so close to a pretty boy before without making the first move.

And mabye you weren't as fucked as you thought, at least he caught you on the way down. Broken glasses or a huge bruise would have definitely been a big topic once you got home.

John dragged you over to where Vriska was also resting, which was the place where the recent victims went. It had seriously confused you earlier, they would be dragged over here and not move at all for about 15 minutes, then would randomly get up and start talking to people. Like nothing happened.

You guess this is where people sat until they could feel there limbs again. You're kind of glad you can't feel you arms, your pits are probably so sweaty right now.

Not like you'd take your jacket of if they were, not risking visible sweat stains or the cold, besides, the jacket was always seemed to be very comforting in unfamiliar places. Babyish but Meh, what can you do.

Everything suddenly went black.

[Sorry, I was on holiday for a bit :). First official faint/blackout/sleep haha]

DISCONTINUED [Pepsicola-mute!John] PinPoint, GunPointWhere stories live. Discover now