Chapter 7

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You're wearing sunglasses and you are slightly pissed. The guy that you labeled as loner, then nice guy, then teachers pet came over and threatened you, wow... Just wow.

You'd know that slicing motion anywhere, but the million dollar question was: why?

So far you hadn't even done anything, if anything he had been in the wrong by coming over and randomly doing that. Even worse, he did it with a pity smile, something that suggested he was sad for you. He pitied you because you had no chance.

We'll see who has no chance, Mr. Nice guy.

When you walked in you had noticed that the whiteboard to the right had lists of names on, usually two names put together, but there were some cases where there was three names instead. At the bottom, all lonely and almost wiped of completely was 'Jonl', you assume thats John with some letter parts wiped out.

Enough of that, point was, he didn't have a partner. That could mean that he was either so weak no-one wanted to pair with him, or so strong everyone was scared too.

You highly doubted it was the latter.

When he mysteriously flash stepped away, you were left looking strangely sexual so you ajusted your position and donned (once again) the expression of the immensely bored. The group that seemed to be the most popular kids moved and crowded John. Popular nerd definitely fits his description.

Except for when he walked and flipped over the bars bordering the matt (very majestically, might you add), he gathered alot of attention. People immediately stopped their conversations, Sat down and listened, even though he was saying nothing.

When you looked over the table at the other players on your table, you noticed they kept looking at his feet. Sur whispered to Fae, 'He's got them on the matt, who's he fighting?'

Apparently it was some big deal for him to fight. Mabye he was just a popular nerd with no ability, it made you want to fight someone else, someone who would be a challenge. You guess that's what the others thought too. Is that why some people went into threes?

Jade walked over and started talking to drag everyones attention away from John. He started making many hand gestures and facial expressions. Jade seemed to be able to translate it and kept you up to date in real time. 'John says that he'll take charge today to avoid the fighting, everyone has to fight him at least once today to test your level and see if you've gotten any better. Come up when you want, it won't be timed so you take as long as you want to try and take him down.'


Many people seemed to tense at this, mabye he was just there to test everyone else, like an examiner? The more you heard, the more you started to doubt your opinion on him. Again.

'You can fight with your partners, or threes, if you want to but we'll be taking this half on the matt for Johns fights. John will start splitting the matt for us' Jade gave us all a huge smile filled with braces and moved out of the arena, rather hastily, you noted.

The sky eyed boy turned around and quickly followed what you thought might have been a seem in the matt, he carefully parted it to reveal that there were actually two matts stuck together. He then pulled up bars that were hidden in the ground, they were identical to the ones rimming the arena.

Just like that, the matt was split in two.

Sur was the first to go up to John. He was sitting in the middle of his half (the left half) and watching the people who had moved over to fight each other, you caught some of his words as he stood over John 'may as well get it over with'.

{Pairs and threes}

Rose and Kanaya
Roxy and Vriska
Jade and Jake
Gamzee, Karkat and Terezi
Fae, Sur and Sun

(the list slowly fades from black to white as it goes down, some of the letters are deformed, like in Johns name.)

DISCONTINUED [Pepsicola-mute!John] PinPoint, GunPointWhere stories live. Discover now