Chapter 6

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[At least 3 people are reading this, Diana_062, blehthebloop and SugarSkull2323. In other words, I MUST UPDATE VERY MUCH NOW HAHAHAHAHHA. ]

Your name is John Egbert and you're kind of confused. Without the Master here to introduce the new student, you had no idea what his name was, where he came from, or really anything that would make decent conversation. Not like you could speak anyway.

When you motioned hi, he just did the same, then turned to face you so you were both sitting spread eagle on the benches. No-one seemed to have noted your absence from the chair across the room, but you knew it was only a matter of time before someone noticed and your conversation became public to most ears.

After a couple of valuable seconds of silence (only between you, everyone else was screaming their lungs out), you motioned to you neck and did a slicing motion. You usually don't have to tell people personally that you can't speak, so you haven't really made an obvious motion for it. You never really realised how much a translater helped with new people.

Sunglasses just tilted his head to the side.

At least he knew you weren't going to be starting the conversation any time soon?

You looked at his lips and picked up on a barely noticable frown, wow, did he really not like you already. Great first impression John, just great.

Looking a little further down... nope, not going there. No homo bro.

You looked around, desperate for any kind of distraction to get you out of the awkward position you just launched yourself in. You saw, almost in slow motion, Roxy and Rose turn their heads in sync towards your chair.

As quickly as you could, you ran over there and sat down, all normal and disapproving like you normally are. Everything sped up again and their voices were instantly drowned in the crowd of shouting players.

Rose and Roxy both caught the sign that you didn't hear and came closer with their little group - consisting of Karkat, Kanaya, Jade, Vriska (but she probably wasn't actually a part of it), and obviously Rose and Roxy.

Your poor ears were instantly bombarded with things like 'Can you please get everyone to stop their nonsense? ', 'I Can't Hear Myself Think!', 'John, r u gonna do something about this' and 'Hi John, we almost beat you to school today'. Karkats voice just merged with everyone elses who screamed.

Of course, leave it to John to shut everyone up after they go and shout at each other like this.

So you stood up and walked over to the matt, hoisted yourself over the bar (you're hands were not forgiven) and leaned on the rungs, staring at everyone in that way you do, getting them to all slowly stop and look at you.

No-one challenged your authority, and today was no exception.

DISCONTINUED [Pepsicola-mute!John] PinPoint, GunPointWhere stories live. Discover now