Chapter 1

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Eren's POV

I was awoken by the loud alarm clock sitting on my bed side table. And of course my first action is to throw it across the room as it hits the wall and shuts up. I lay my head back into my pillow and try and fall back asleep but it dosnt last long before my door is swung open and the covers pulled off me

"Eren it's the first day at our new school, get out of bed now," I hear the voice of my sister Mikasa say and I sit up rubing the sleep out of my eyes

"Mikasa let me sleep," I groan out

And before she says another word I'm pulled out of bed and pulled along with her

She drages me to the bathroom and turns on the shower and throws me in as I yelp as the cold watter hits me

"Mikasa!" I yell hoping out of the shower

"Good. You're up." She says leaving the room so I can get ready

I then decide to shower and brush my teath before getting dreased in some jeans and a green t-shirt and brown hoodie

I run a brush through my brown hair and look at my reflection in the mirror to see my green eyes staring back before leaving the bathroom and going downstairs to be greated by Mikasa in the kitchen

"Eren, you should eat something before school," she says

"Fine mom," I say mockingly

I then grab a granola bar and my backpack and head towards the front door with Mikasa following me

We head out the door as I start to eat my granola bar and Mikasa speaks

"So, Eren, I was informed Armin is going to be attending the same school as us," she says

"Yes!" I say punching the air in joy

Our old school was shut down, so we all had to transfer to a new school and it looks like Armin chose the same school as us, Rose High

We continue to school before arriving at two larg gates which im guessing is the entrance

We walk in and head inside and Mikasa shows me to where my locker is before she goes to hers

"343, 344, 345, hear it is 345," she says showing me my locker

"Thanks Mikasa," I say "Also if im right you and Armin have French with me first class, yes?" I ask and she nods

"Our French class is actually right hear," she says pointing to the class next to my locker

"Oh, cool," I say as me and Mikasa head into class

We enter to see Armin sitting at a desk at the front of the class and I go sit beside him with Mikasa sitting behind me

"Eren, Mikasa, hey guys," he says with a happy tone

"Hey," Mikasa says

"Hi. So anything new?" I ask

"No, but im warning you guys the French teacher is supposedly really brutal," he says

"He cant be that bad,"I say as the final bell goes

I then see the guy who I guess the teacher must be walk in

He was around 5'3 and had silky black hair, and grey eyes with the slightest hint of blue, he had a amazing body and was wearing a black suit and tie, and I didnt realize i was checking him out till Armin kicked my shin

I then start to pay attention to what the teacher was saying

"Hello class, I'm Mr. Akerman, I will be your French teacher this year, now for those of you who are new, this class is strict on rules, you will only speake French and English is only allowed if I say so," he says

We then do attendance before starting class

We start class and he starts by asking questions in French to all of us

He then gets to me and speaks

"Mr. Jaeger, what was the name of the first French Douches?" He asks (in french)

I then look at him confused not knowing what he said

"Uhhhhhh..." is all that comes out of my mouth

He then sighs

"Do you know what i said?" He asks (again in french)

"Uh Sir I have no idea what you're saying," I say to him

The class then starts giggling and I lower my head in embarrassment

"Thats okay, we'll move on," Mr. Akerman says surprisingly in English

The class then goes on and when the bell goes I hop up and follow Armin and Mikasa out of the class and head down the halls

"So Eren, what do you think of Mr. Akerman?" Armin asks

"He seems cool," I say

"Eren he calld almost all of us brats," Mikasa says

"He didnt call me one," I replie

"That's why I said almost all of us," Mikasa says

"Whatever he seems nice" I say

"Only 'cause he didnt yell at you," Armen says and I ignore it

We then arrive to science and I take a seat near the back as Armin and Mikasa sit beside me

The bell goes and the teacher still isnt hear

"Wheres the- " im cut off by a tall woman running in

She had long brown hair in a ponytail and brown eyes and had glasses and was wearing jeans a black T-shirt and a lab coat

"Hello class! I am profeser Hanji!" She yells sounding happy

~time skip~

The class then goes on and so does the day, at the end of the day im walikg back to my locker and wasnt paying attention to where i was going and I run into someone and I look up to see Mr. Akerman

"S-sorry sir," I stutter out

He then looks at me with his cold eyes

"Its fine, are you okay?" He asks

"Y-yes," I say shily

"Good," he says walking past me to wherever he was heading

I get to my locker and think

"Why did he care? He would have told anyone else to watch where their going," I say to myself


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