Chapter 7

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Eren POV

My phone then goes off and I frez looking at it to see Mikasas caller ID

"Fuck," I say picking up the phone and putting her on speaker

"Morning Mikasa," I say

"Eren Jaeger! Where the fuck are you?!" I hear her yell through the phone

"Mikasa calm down im just at Armins," I say

"Really? 'Cause Armins right hear with me and weve been waiting all night for you," she says

"Shit," I whisper

"Eren, there's no strawberries left, sorry," Levi says walking in

"Eren!? Whose that!? Why does it shound like Mr. Akerman-" I cut Mikasa off

"Oh I gotta go bye," I say hanging up and placing the phone down

I then look to Levi as he looks at me confused

"What was that all about?" Levi asks

"Mikasa called...." I say and I know he knows what happened

He then sits in the chare beside me and places a hand on my shoulder as I look up at him

"Its gonna be fine, shes just worried," he says

"Yeah but it wont end well if she finds out I was hear," I say

He then kisses my forehead and smiles "dont worry, its gonna be fine,"

I look down and nod "Levi..."I say softly

"Yes?" He says

"Can I stay hear for a while?" I ask

He smiles "of course Eren,"


I was laying on the sofa because I had the worse headache ever when Levi walks in

"Eren," he says and I let out a gron "I need to go to the grocery store to grab some stuff, I should be back in about a hour," he says

"Okay," I say

He walks over and places a kiss on my forehead "theres some pain killers in the cabinet in the bathroon, be carfull not to take to many there really strong," he says and I nod

He then leaves and I try and fall asleep and thankfully succeeded


"W-whats going on?" I shutter out as I look around to see nothing but darkness when suddenly there's light

It showed my family, back when I was a kid, it had my mum, dad, and Mikasa

They were all sitting at a table talking and they looked.... happy

My mum and dad weren't fighting and it was nice

I then look at the calender to see the date... it was a week after my mum was suppose to die...

I then remember that day as the memory comes back to me


"I hate you!" I yell at my mother

"Eren stop yelling," she says back calmly

"No! You and fucking dad dont seem to give a fuck about anything but yourselves and I hate it!" I yell to her

"Eren please-" I cut her off

"Sometimes I think we'd be better off without you!"

~later that day~

"Eren!" I hear Mikasa yell from downstairs

I run down to see what it is and I look to the T.V. news

The news lady speakes "Carla Jaeger was found dead after committing suicide today. Whiteness say she jumped in front of a train at the station-" shes cut off by Mikasa turning the T.V.

I look down knowing whats gonna happen next but I was surprised when she embraced me in a hug

"Its not your fault, she was already dealing with depression and stuff," she says but I know it was my fault, it all was

~back to dream~

They were so happy without me... maybe everyone would be berrer off without me

Maybe... I should just end it all

~end of dream~

I bolt up and look around

I then remember what Levi said about the pain killers and I get up and go to the bathroom

I look in the mirror and everything blacks out


Levi POV

I get home and head into the kitchen putting the grocerys away

I then decide to go check on Eren

I go to the living room and see hes not there so I suppose hes in the bedroom but hes not there either

I start to worry a little and I go into the bathroom to see Eren laying on the floor coverd in cuts and blood and hee he tried to get into the pain killers

I go and hold him up, I take him and lay him in my bed getting a hot damp cloth and taking it back to him and I start to wipe up the dried blood that covered his arms

Once all the blood is gone I can see the cuts covering his arms as I run my fingers across them and tear up

"Thank god that bottle is child proof," I softly whisper as I hug Eren

Eren POV

I wake up to again feel someone hugging me

I look to see Levi of course and I go to sit up but stop when i feel a piercing pain in my head and arms

I look to see my arms covered in cuts and start to remember what happened


I looked into the mirror and pulled out my phone getting the razer and starting to cut

I couldn't stop I just wanted to feel this pain over and over

After I realize I cant cut anymore for my arms were already covered in cuts I open the cabinet and look in to find the pain killers

I try and open the bottle but suddenly feel really light headed and everything blacks out

~end if flashback~

"Oh god," I whisper

"About time you get uo sleepy head," I hear Levi say and I look up to see him staring back

"L-levi-" he cuts me off by kissing me

After a minute he pulls awy and speaks "Look, I understand youre going through shit but please dont try and kill yourself again... I dont wanna lose you," he says the last part like a whisper

I then kiss him and pull away "Im sorry... I'll try and not let it happen again,"


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