Chapter 8

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Levi POV

Its been a few days since Eren started staying at my place. Armin and Mikasa didnt seem happy but they had no clue he was at my place

We had alredy talked to principal eyebrows about yhe trip and itbwas set up for next week because that was one of the few opportunitys to go so we took it

I was sitting on the couch when Eren runs in

He then stands there and looks at me for about thirty seconds before jumping on the couch beside me and cuddling up to me

"E-eren what are you doing!?"I ask shocked

"Love me!" He yells

"But I already love you," I say back

"Then notice me!" He says

"You've been noticed," I say

"Yay!" Is all he replies with

I then let out a light laugh and we sit there cuddling before Eren speakes

"Levi," he starts and I nod "Can we be roommates for the trip?"

"If you want to, of course," I say

He then smiles up to me "thank you,"

"No problem," I say to him as he continues to cuddle me

~the next week~

Eren POV

I was quite exited for the trip. I told Mikasa i was living with a friend so shed stop bugging me but she still wasn't happy

And Armin was a little upset when I couldn't room with him but he was happy to find out he's rooming with Jean

I was happy to room with Levi I was just a little nervous someone would find out

I sat on the bus by myself and looked out the window thinking about Levi when I suddenly feel the presence of someone beside me

"Oh, hi sir," I say

"Hey, there's no other seats so I have to sit here," he says and I smile knowing he was just using that as a excuse to sit next to me

"If you say so," I say

"I do say so," he says back

I let out a light giggle "sure sure,"

"Behave or I might have to punish you tonight," he says only loud enough for me to hear

I then blush and nod before looking out the window

What could he have ment by 'punish'? Never mind I dont wanna know

I then start to wonder about the trip when I start to drift off into sleep

~time skip~

Eren POV

I feel someone lightly shake me to wake me up

I look up to see Levi and I smile

"Hi," I say

"Hey, we're here, you sleept the whole ride," he says

"I did? Wow," I say

"Yeah, come on sleepy head I had shitty glasses get out room key and we need to go inside now," he says and I nod getting up

I grab my bag and follow Levi inside the hotel

We walk down the long halls and Levi stops at a door and I stop behind him as he uses the room key to unlock the door

We then go in and there's one queen size bed

I then go and flop down on it and I hear Levi sigh

"Eren you need to shower you're all sweaty," he says

"Make me," I say

I then hear Levi close the door and walk over to me and pick me up bridal style and carry me into the bathroom

He sets me on the floor and starts to run the shower

"I'm gonna give you five minutes and if you're not in the shower by then I'm making you sleep on the floor," he sayas before leaving the bathroom

I then get up and get in the shower not wanting to have to sleep on the floor

I shower and get out seeing Levi brought my bag in here for me

I pull out a pair of PJ pants and a t-shirt and put it on and then I brush my teeth and put my stuff away and walk out of the bathroom to find Levi laying on the bed reading a book

I go and lay down beside him hugging his torsos trying to get his attention but failing

"Leviiiiii," I wine

"What?" He asks

"Pay attention to meeeee," I say

"No, you're being a attention whore again," he says

I then gasp dramatically "I am not!"

"You are now sleep," he says and i shigh and continue to cuddle him falling asleep soon

~time skip~
Eren POV

We arived at our first destination which was Old Montreal and it was pretty cool

I walked along with Armin, Mikasa, Jean, Sasha, and Connie

"So, Eren, who are you rooming with? You never told us, all you said is that it was the friend youre living with," Armin says

'Fuck!' Is all I think

"Uhh why?" I ask trying to avoid the question

"Were just wondering," Sasha says

"I saw him walk in with Mr. Akerman," Annie says appearing out of nowhere

"What?!" Mikasa says

"Uhh..." is all that comes out

Mikasa gives me a death stair "Eren, would you like to tell us who youre rooming whith?"

"I cant I gotta pee," I say running off to god knows where

I rest against a wall and sit down

I then look around and realize how shady the place im in is

I then see Three tall buff men walk towards me

"Yo, kid, you're not suppose to be here," the one guy say in English

"O-oh sorry sir, I dont speak English," I say in French trying to avoid gettin hurt

"Oh well let me re-say it, you're not supposed to be here, this is our turf," he says

"Oh... sorry sir I didnt know," I say backing away

I then run into someone and look behind me to see Levi

"Jackson, picking on kids again I see," Levi says

"Shut it Akerman," this Jackson guy says

"Eren, go back with the others," Levi says

"Bus Levi-" Jackson cuts me off

"Levi no need to leave so soon," he says

"Jackson get out of here before I kick your ass," Levi says

"Fine, only 'cause I dont want more trouble," Jackson says leaving with his friends following

"Eren, are you okay?" Levi asks

"Yes. Thank you Levi, if you didnt show up I dont know what would have hapoened," I say

"As long as you're okay thats all that matters to me," he says

He then kisses me softly and I kiss back


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