Chapter 2

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Eren POV

Its been about a week since I started attending Rose high and every subject was going well, exept French. Its not that I didnt like Mr. Akerman its just the fact that I sucked at French

I arive to class and sit in my usual seet and the final bell goes and Mr. Akerman enters and does attendance

The class then drags on and when the bell saying class is over goes im relived

"Okay, you are all excused, except for Mr. Jaeger," Mr. Akerman says and I stay in my seat nervously as everyone else leaves

Once everyone is gone Mr. Akerman stands up and comes towards the desk im in and speakes

"Mr. Jaeger, you seem to not have any French experiences, and its been a week and you still dont seem to be picking it up," he says

"Yes sir, you see in my old school I took German, French wasnt really a option," I say defending myself

"Hm, I see. Well you need to take French here to pass, and with the level you're at you wont be passing. I dont do this but I could tutor you if you'd be up for it," he says and im shocked but happy that he would do that

"R-really?" I ask and he nods "That would be amazing,"

"Okay then, we start tonight, at the end of the day meet me hear," he says and I nod

"Oh crap, I gotta get going, I dont wanna be late for second class," I say

"Okay, I'll see you tonight Mr. Jaeger," he says as I head out the door and to my second class

As I run down the hall im relieved that I get this chance

Levi POV

I watch the boy run out of my class, the look in his beautiful green eyes made me so happy. And his adorable smile- wait, no I cant have a thing for one of my students. I mean he was 18 and I was only 26 (A/N: i know hes actually like 30 smth but i made him a bit younfer for this) theirs still a age gap, and it would creep him out. It will pass, its probably nothing. So I might as well ignor it

~Later that day~

Eren POV

It was the end of the day and Ihead to my locker grabing my backpack and French books as I walk into Mr. Akerman's class

I see Mr. Akerman sitting at his desk at the front of the class

"Ah, Eren, you're hear," he says in a kind tone

"Yes sir," I say

"Well we can get going soon, I just have to finishe grading this paper," he says

"Go? I though we were staying heare," I say confused

"That was my original plan but I realized I'm not aloud to give private tutoring on school grounds so we'll have to go to my house," he says and I nod

He then stands and puts some papers away in his desk grabing his bag and heading out the door gesturing for me to follow him

I follow him and we walk down the hall. We then head outside and Mr. Akerman looks at me

"I walked to school today, I dont live that far, I hope you're okay with walking," he says

"That's fine," I say and we start walking

We walk down the street and I decided to start conversation

"So Mr. Akerman, is French easy to learn?" I ask

"Well, its better to learn at a young age because that makes it easier but if you try hard enough it can be easy, you just need the skil," he says

"Okay," I say as we continue walking

After about 5 more minutes of walking we arive at a nice house, it was quite big and looked very expensive

We walk up to the front door and Mr. Akerman unlockes it opening the door to let me and himself in

Once I enter I look around in amazement for the house was beautiful

"Please take your shose off," he says in a soft voice as he alredy took off his

I take my shose off and set them nicely by the door and follow him into what I suppose is the living room

"Take a seat on the sofa, do you want anything to drink?" He asks as I sit on the sofa

"Um, a glass of water would be good," I say and he nods his head as he goes towards the kitchen and I pull out my French books

He soon walks back in with two glasses of water, he passes me one and he sets the other on a coster in front on him and I set mine on the coster in front of me

"Shall we start then?" he asks

"Yep. So I'm not really sure where to start," I say

"Well we can start with simple things like introducing yourself and colors and numbers. Along with adjectives and pronouns. Stuff like that," he says

"Okay, sounds easy enough," I say and we start

~5 hours later~

"No, its Bleu not Blue," Mr. Akerman says

"Im saying it, Bleu," I say

"Finaly, you got it," he says

"Yes! Finally!" I say in joy

He lets out a soft laugh beforespeaking again

"We'll we've gone over everything for today, I'll give you some stuff to work on tonight and you can come back again tomorrow if you'd like," he says passing me some pappers to work on

"I'd love to come back," I say standings up as he stands up too

I grab my books and bag and Mr. Akerman walks me to the door

"Thank you again sir," I say to him

"No problem, make sure you finish all the work and give it to me tomorrow morning at the beginning of class," he says

"Of course sir," I say as I slide my shose on and he opens the door for me to leave waving goodbye to him as he waves by

I then head out the door and down the street to my house and open the door to see a angry Mikasa standing there


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