Chapter 13

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Eren POV

I wake up to something soft on my face tickling my nose

I go to move it but realize its fure

I open my eyes to see a kitten curled up on my chest with its tail under my nose

I low key lose my shit considering theres a kitten on me

I slowly get up and hold the kitten wondering how it got here

I then feel movement from Levi and see him sit up

"Ah, she likes you I see," he says sitting up and rubing the sleep from his eyes

"D-did you get her?" I ask confused

"Yeah, she came out last night and I brought her in for you," he says smiling

I then hug him as the kitten sits on my lap

"Thank you so much!" I say

"No problem, but you know you have to go to school today," he says

"Yeah yeah I know," I say standing up and going to the bathroom to shower

I shower and the brush my hair and teeth and get dressed and ready for school

I then head downstairs to see Levi making some toast for us both as he passes me a piece

"Where's the kitten?" I ask

"She's in the bedroom and has food and water" Levi says

"That's good," I say

"Yeah. So, Eren, like I told you, I have Isabel and Farlan coming today, right?" Levi asks

"Yep," I say with a month full of toast

"And the plan?" He says

"Yeah I know. I gotta go now I got a bus to catch," I say running out of the room and out the front door and to the bus stop

~Time Skip~
Eren POV

I sit in science class board out of my mind

I liked science but we had a supplie so it wasn't as fun

We were just doing work sheets and I then hear someone whisper my name

"Eren!" Armin whisper yells from beside me

"What?" I ask

"Why have you been acting weird lately?" He asks

"I don't know," is all I say

"Well are you busy tonight? Me and Mikasa wanna hang out with you," he says

" I'm really sorry Armin but I have school work to do," is the best excuse I think of

"Oh, that's fine, but when your free you should hang out with us," he says

"I will don't worry," I say before returning to my work

~time skip~

I sit in my final class and the bell finally goes

I jump up and grab my stuff and run out of the classroom before Mikasa or Armin try and catch up with me

I get to the locker and pack my bag and run to the bus wanting to get home as soon as possible

I get on the bus and sit down in relief

The bus then leaves the school and soon drops me off at my bus stop and I get off and walk down the street to the house and find the front door open so I sneak in and look around to make sure everything is okay

I then walk into the kitchen to see a young man with light gray eyes and dark blond hair. His bangs hung over his forehead, between his eyes and he was looking for something in the fridge

I think he saw me walk in out of the corner of his eye because he stands up and looks towards me

"Hey there, you must be Eren, I'm Farlan, Levi's friend," he says giving me a smile

"Oh, well it's nice to meet you," I say

I go to offer him my hand to shake but a young woman with green eyes and red-brown hair which she kept in two pigtails walks in with a big smile on her face

"Farlan!" She says sounding happy "Levi said he'll be home soon!"

"That's great, oh Isabel, this is Eren," Farlan says

"Wait, your the Eren?!" She asks

"Umm as far as I know yes?" I say

"Cool, it's amazing to meet you," she says putting her hand out for me to shake it

I shake her hand and I then hear the front door open and watch as Levi walks into the kitchen

"Levi!" Isabel yells as her and Farlan run over to him and hug him

I stand there smiling as I watch Levi's plane dull extension turn into a bright smile seeing them

It makes me happy to see him this happy

I decided to leave them to catch up as I sneak out of the kitchen and up to the bedroom

I slowly open the door and find the kitten sitting there and I pick her up and close the door behind me and walk over and sit on the bed

I take my bag off my shoulder and open up my science book to work on my homework

After about a twenty minutes I get all my work done and go on my phone and play some music as I put some headphones in

I listen to the music and cuddle with the kitten as I soon fall asleep

~time skip~

I wake up to the feeling of being watched

I look across the room to see the door slightly open and notice that someone is on the other side watching me

"Who's there?" I ask to the person watching

I then see the door open and Isabel walk in

"Levi asked me to come get you for dinner," she says

"How long was I asleep for?" I ask

"A few hours," she says and I just nod

I then get up and pick up the kitten and carry her downstairs with me

I walk downstairs with Isabel and we get to the dining room and both take a seat at the table as Levi and Farlan walk in with dinner and they place it at the table

"Eren," Levi says

"Yes Levi?"

"Why is the kitten at the table?" He asks

"Why not have the kitten at the table?"

Levi then sighs in defeat "fine,"

We then have an amazing dinner as I get to know Isabel and Farlan better


OMFG guys I'm so sorry this took so long to get up. Please don't be mad! But updates will be a bit slower now but I'm trying. Expeshaly with school and everything going on. Thank you all for reading ^-^

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