Chapter 3

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Eren POV

"Fuck..." I say to myself

"Where have you been!? Next time you go out let me know so I dont worry to death!" Mikasa yells at me

"I just went out for a little while jeez," I say

"Eren its 8:00pm," Armen says

"What? No its no-" I cut myself off by looking at the clock "oh..." I say and I look to Mikasa

"Room. Now." She says and I nod and run up to my room

Once im in their I start at my homework so I can get it done for tomorrow

~The next day~

I was at my locker and I was pretty early, I left before Mikasa even got up and I was getting my French work out for class when I hear someone walk up behind me

I turn around to see Mr. Akerman standing there

"Morning Mr. Akerman," I say smiling to him

"Morning," he says giving me a samll smile "I see you finished your work I gave you," he says

"Yep, I was up pretty late doing it but I got it done," I say

"Well I'm impressed," he says

"Really?" I ask surprised

"Yes, now, I have to go set up for class, you can come in now if you want," he says and I nod and follow him into the class room

I take a seat at my ushual desk and start to look over my notes when I look uo to see Mr. Akerman looking at me as he sits at his desk with some papers he was marking out in front of him

A slight blush rises to my cheeks as I look down and continue looking at my notes

Yes I though he was good looking, I mean who wouldnt... but as far as I know I'm just another one of his students so it cant mean anything, its not like this will become more than it is, so I'll just admire him from afar

I continue going over my notes when my phone rings in my pocket so I pull it out and see its Armin and I awnser

"Hey Armin," I say

"Eren where are you? Mikasa's worried," he says

"I left early for school, its no biggy, I got to go," I say hanging up

I then look up to see Mr. Akerman looking at me again

"Sorry sir, Armin and Mikasa were wondering where I went," I say

"Its fine," he says going back to his work

I then sit there looking at him, his silver eyes with the slightest tint of blue shining in the light, I dont know why but I find his eyes so beautiful, like there's a story behind them, well I mean there's a story behind everyones eyes to me

They hold someone's past, their experiences and wisdom. They show what people are like and how they work, but deciphering everyone's story is different, finding out what their eyes say is so different and for him... it was almost impossible

I look at them trying to decipher what they said, when he lookes up to me and was staring back as I feel my face heat up again. His eyes looked like they cared when he lookd at me for just a moment ago they had no emotion

I then feel someone shake me back to reality and I snap out of the trance he put me in as I look uo to see Armin and Mikasa sitting on either side of me

"Eren, are you okay?" Armin asks

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I ask confused

"Well you and Mr. Akerman just spent the lats two minutes staring at eachother," Mikasa says

"O-oh... sorry," I say as my cheeks get red in embarrassment

"Anyways, class shouldbe starting soon," Armin says and he was right becuase a minute later the bell for class goes

We sit in class and Mr. Akerman starts to talk

"Today we will have a pop quiz," he says as he starts handing out papers as everyone in class groans in annoyance

Once I get the paper I look at it and realize it was part of the work I was given last night

It consisted of a story you had to read in French and then questions in French that you had to awnser

I finish the quiz with confidence and take it up to Mr. Akerman as he gives me a small smile and i smile back as I go back to my seat

Once everyone is done Mr. Akerman speakes

"You may all have free time and talk among yourselves and whatsoever as I grade the quizzes which will be ready for the end if class" he says

I then turn to Armin and Mikasa and Mikasa speakes up

"Eren, how come Mr. Akerman seems to like you so much?" She askes

"Mikasa I think he likes me just as much as any of his other students," I say

"Yeah but he never smiles except when hes looking at you, and hes so nice to you," Armin says

"It's probably nothing guys," I say

~at the end of class~

Mr. Akerman was handingout the marked quizzes and he gives me mine

"Amazing job Eren," he says

"Thank you sir," I say smiling

Once were all out of class Mikasa and Armin follow me to my locker

"Eren, how did you do?" Armin asks

"100%" I say opening my locker

"What!?" Him and Mikasa both say

"Eren yoy have no French experience, see I knew Mr. Akerman was taking a liking to you, plus he called you Eren, he never calls his students by their first name," Mikasa says

"Mikasa maybe you're just jealous he likes me better and that I got a better mark than you," I say grabing my stuff for science

"What? Thats crazy," she says

"Yet you're still so upset about one little mark, if I didnt know any better I'd say you were mad," I say

She then growls before heading off to her locker 

"Eren I think you made her mad," Armin says

"Shes just upset she'll get over it, dont worry," I say as I start walking towards the science room with Armin followning me

"Are you sure?" He says

"I'm positive," I say


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