Chapter 10

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Levi POV

It was around 5:30pm and we just got home from another day in Montreal

We were leaving tomorrow so I wanted to take Eren out tonight and show him the city some more

I got dressed in some more casual cloths, and grabed my keys and wallet and walk out of the bathroom into the main room where Eren was

"Yo, you ready?" I ask him as he lays on the bed

He dosntrespond and I realize he must have passed out

I go over to him and lay down beside him and kiss his neck

"Eren~" I purr trying to wake the boy up

"Mmm what is it Levi?" He asks

"Get up, im taking you out," I say

"On a date or with a sniper? 'Cause either is fine," he says and I sigh

"A date. Now get dressed," I say and he groans getting out of bed

He walks into the bathroom and starts getting ready

~Time Skip~

After about 20 minutes he finaly comes out of the bathroom

"About time. Now come on we gotta go before shitty glasses tries and stops us," I say as I approach the door with Eren following

I open the door and look both ways down the hall and see no one

I then step into the hall with Eren following me and we head down towards the lobby and outside

Once outside we were meet with the busy streets of Montreal at night

We walk along the street, I had a idea of where we were going and it was close

We arive at a nice looking restaurant called "Le Restaurant Vedette"

We walk in and are greated by a a lday with light brown hair and dark brown eyes

She took us to our table and gave us our menus

"Levi, this place looks amazing," Eren says

"It is quite nice, I was hoping it would be," I say smiling at him

Eren then looks at his menu as do I and we then make our orders

We continue on with diner and I can tell Eren is enjoying himself

~time skip~

We finishe dinner and once we leave the restaurant we walk down to a beautiful park

We walk along the path and stop at a bench by a small lake and we sit on the bench and look at the lake

"Levi, this place is so beautiful," Eren says looking at the beautiful place around us

"I know, I miss coming hear," I say

"You use to live hear?" He asks

"Yeah, me and some friends of mine use to come hear all the time," I say looking at the fish in the pond

"Oh, can I ask who they are, you're friends," he says

"Well their were a few, their was isabel and farlan, but their in France now... but theirs also David, Tekla, and Mackenzie," I say

"Cool, do the other three still live hear?" He asks

"Yeah, I did wish to see them," I say

"Then why not call them up?" He says

"Are you sure?" I ask

"Of course, this is our last night hear, might as well say hi," he says and I nod pulling my phone out of my pocket

Im about to call Mackenzie when suddenly I hear a scream and I could tell Eren heard it too

We both look to our left and I stand up and run towards the scream

I can hear Eren following me and I come to a stop when I see two men and a girl hiding behind one of them

"Fuck off Austin!" The one guy yells to the other

"Make me," the guy who I suppose is Austin says

I then recognize the girl and the guy shes hiding behind, it was David and Mackenzie

Austin then pushes David out of the way and grabs Mackenzie's right arm, showing he clearly knew her weak spot, she had permanent damage on that arm and it hurt like hell if held the wrong way

She lets out a yelp in pain as he pulls her close

"I'm getting paid a lot of money for you little one," Austin says

"Let me go you basterd!" She yells kicking him in the shin

He isn't affected by this as he clearly puts more pressure on her arm

"Hey!" I yell at Austin

He turns towards me and looks at me confused "can I help you?" he asks

"Yeah, you can start by letting her go," I say gesturing towards Mackenzie

"Sorry but shes coming with me, someones paying me a lot of money to take her to the U.S., so unfortunately I gotta take her with me," he says

"No, youre gonna let her go now," I say

I then slide my pocket knife out of my pocket and run at him giving him no time to react and I get behind him and put the knife to his thought

"Let her go," I say and he lets her go and she runs over to David "now tell me, whos trying to buy her,"

"T-this girl who calles herself Bess," he sais in fear

"Good, now fuck off," I say letting him go and pushing him away as he runs off

"Levi!" Mackenzie yells hugging me

"Hey," I say hugging back

I look over and see Eren and he looks a little jealous about Mackenzie hugging me so I pull away from the hug

"Hey Eren, come meet Mackenzie and David," I say and he walks over

Mackenzie ghasps and runs up to Eren "Oh my god youre adorable!" She says hugging him "Im Mackenzie Anderson, and this is David Monroe," she says as David walkes over

"Hey, so you must be Eren, weve heard lots about you," David says

"R-really?" Eren says shocked

"Yeah Levi talks about you all the time," Mackenzie says

I then walk over to them "Okay okay stop harassing Eren," I say

"Anyways Eren, im happy you two are together," Mackenzie says and David nods

"Thank you," Eren says

"It was nice to see you guys, but we should get going, its really late, but if youre ever in our area give us a call," I say and they both nod

"Bye, Levi, nice meeting you Eren," Mackenzie says

"Buy guys," David says

"Buy," me and Erem both say

We manage to get back to the hotel and into our room without getting caught by shitty glasses

We get into the room and I flop down on the bed

"Tonight was fun Levi, but it was missing one thing," Eren says

"And that was?" I ask

He then gets on top of me and kisses me

"Mmm~ well Eren nice way to make a move" I say

"Shut up,"he says kissing ne again

I then kiss back and pull him closer for I had a  feeling of what was gonna come next


Ha clif hanger! I know i know i suck. Sorry. But if you want the next chapter to continue with the sexy times let me know in the comments. Thanks for reading ^-^ (also sorry it took so long to get this up)

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