Chapter 9

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Eren POV

He then kisses me softly and I kiss back

I pull away and hear the sound of a branch braking and someone running away

"What was that?" I ask

"Its probably nothing Eren, come one we gotta get back to the rest of the class," Levi says and I nod following him

We walk back and find the rest of the group as Hanji runs towards us

"There you two are!" She says

"Shut is shitty glasses," Levi replies

"Where'd you go!?" She asks

"Eren got lost, stop questioning," he says

"Yeah, lost," she says smirking

"Why'd I even let you come on this trip again?" Levi says

"Becuase you needed more volunteers," she says "now lets get going," she says and Levi follows her and I go over to Mikasa and them

"Eren, where did you go!?" Armin says as I approach my group of friends

"I got lost and Levi found me," I say in a tone telling them I dont wanna talk about it

"Oh, okay, sorry," Armin says

We all then start to head to the next destination as we all board the bus

I sit at the front by myself again as the rest of my friend group sits at the back

I think back to me and Levi kissing earlier today... what if someone was spying on us and saw? What if they told someone?

I then feel a hand on my shoulder and look to see its of course Levi

"Whats wrong?" He asks sounding concerned

"Its nothing just..." I trail off

"Just what?" He asks

" dont think someone saw us do you?" I ask

"Well I'm not sure, but it dosnt matter, even if someone found out they'd need proof, and as long as it stays a secret till you graduate at the end of the year, we'll be fine," he says

"Promise?" I ask

"I promis Eren," he says

I look at him and can tell hes holding back kissing my cheek

I then smile and turn toward the window and look at the beautiful city as we drive along the street

We arive at a larg dome like building

Levi stands and speakes to the class

"Class, we have arrived to the Bio-Dome, now everyone follow professor Hanji," he says

Everyone stands and follows Hanji off the bus me being the last with Levi following

We walk along a long pathway and a giant building comes into sight

We finaly reach the building and follow professor Hanji to this area where we sign in and she explains how it workd

There were a few different environments and we followed the path and went through them all

Once shes done we were all released to go in and we do so

The first environment was a tropical one and it was beautiful

I was walking along enjoying myself when Annie appears

"Eren, we need to talk," she says

"What about?" I ask confused as to why she's talk to me

"You and Mr. Akerman," she says and I feel a not in my stomach

"W-what about us?" I ask worried she was the one who saw us

"I saw you two earlier," she says looking ahead

"Saw us-" im cut of by her

"Kissing," she says loud enough for me to hear

"O-oh..." is all that comes out

"I wont say anything as long as you do ne a favor when I need one," she says

"Wait how do I-," im cut off again

"Deal or I tell Mkkasa," she says

"Its a deal then," I say knowing if Mikasa knew I was dead

"Good. I'll let you know when I need the favor," she says heading back to the rest of our friend group

I shigh and think about what she could possibly want... and if it was good or not

~time skip~

It was the end of a long day and I was laying on the hotel bed exhausted

I then remember the events from today and what Annie said

I then decide to tell Levi of what happened

I go to the bathroom and knock on the door

"Come in," is the response I get and I open the door to see a shirtless Levi standing there in some PJ pants brushing his teeth

"Levi, I need to tell you something," I say

"What is it?" He asks glancing towards me

"Well, earlier today, you know when we kissed? Yeah well um... Annie kinda saw and is using it as blackmail,"I say

He finishes brushing his teeth and speaks "im not quite sure what to do, but dont worry to much about it,"

"But what if she ends up telling people?" I say

"Then we prove her wrong," he says "now go to bed its late, I'll be there in a minute," he says

I nod and go flop down on the bed

Levi then comes in and I stretch out across the bed so he cant lay down

"Move Eren," he says

"Make me," I say

He then gets on the end of the bed and picks me up bridal style and moves me to the floor

"Hey!" I yelp as he gets on the bed and I hop on and sit on his lower chest

"What is it?" He asks

"Youre not making me sleep on the floor are you?" I ask

"I dont know, will you behave?" He asks

"Hmm I dont know, maybe I will, maybe I won't," I say in a cocky tone

"Well then you wont mind going back to the floor," he says

I then lay down on his chest wrapping my arms around his torso "noooooo dont make me go back," I whine

"Fine," he says and I sit up

"Yay! But being serous now, whats youre plane of proving Annie wrong?" I ask

"We get you a girlfriend," he says

"What!?" I say shocked

"Its fine she'll be acting, and I know just the girl," he says

"Ugh fine!" I say laying on his chest again

"Good night Eren," he says placing the blanket over us

"Nighty night," I say


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