Chapter 1: History

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Camilla Caswell was what many considered a 14 year old goddess. To those who did not know her well she was expected to be someone featured on MTV or have her own reality show. She was the girl all envied. She was gorgeous, smart, and rich. She was on her schools gymnastics team, softball team, and cheerleading captain. She was perfect.

Little did they know that she wished every day that people would stop putting labels on her and expecting her to be someone she was not.

She just wanted one day where she could go to the mall with her friends without being bombarded by cameras. One day where people wouldn't stare when she got below an A on an exam. One day where she could walk down the hall in school without everyone's heads turning toward head. She wanted one day were she could go unnoticed.

She wanted to start new and go somewhere where she was just another girl in the crowd. Luckily her wish came true.

After the first wizarding war Camilla's family decided that all of the children would be raised in the no-maj world and would grow up through no-maj schooling. Camilla's cousins only learned how to control their magic and basic spells.

Camilla and her brothers were planned to attend private school everyday till graduation and then attend college.

Camilla had been complaining for many years. Camilla and her older brother by one year Jack began training with some of Americas finest wizards and witches at ages 7 and 8. They trained at America's magical government headquarters (MACUSA) in New York City. Four times a week the family would make the short half hour drive from their home in Southampton, Long Island. At age 10 Camilla got her apparition license and was allowed to use magic outside of training. She was as good as many Aurors. At age 12 she began volunteering at MACUSA and helped her younger brother Romeo (now 8) train too. At age 13 her teachers decided that they could no longer teach her.

Camilla was more advanced then her older brother in both no-maj and wizarding studies.

When her teachers informed Lorely and Kenneth Caswell that their daughter needed new teachers, they recommended she be sent to Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The teachers there would be more suitable for Camilla then those at Ivermony. After months of begging. They finally allowed her to go.

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