Chapter 7: Classes

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Camilla's POV:

After getting ready I grabbed my books and ran downstairs. My first class was Transfiguration this morning from 8:15-9:15. I don't want to let anyone know that I have had more training then all of them so I've decided to tone it down a bit and try to blend in.

When I got to class not many people were there. The students were from Gryffindor and Ravenclaw and only the Ravenclaws have showed up. I sat down in a seat towards the front of the classroom and opened up my book.

As I was skimming through the pages a girl sat down next to me.

"Hi, are you Camilla?"


"I'm Cho Chang. My friend Kara was telling me about you during breakfast."

"Kara has told me a few things about you too. It's great to meet you."

She smiled back at me and took her book out.

Cho and I talked for a few minutes. Mostly about school. She asked me what classes I was taking and my schedule. Right before class was scheduled to begin, Cho and I both felt a tap on our arms. Sitting behind us was Kara and Fred.

"I see you two have met." Said Kara.

"Hey, why weren't you at breakfast this morning?"asked George

"I went down and finished breakfast earlier then you guys."

Before we could start our conversation again Mcgonagall appeared at her desk and began hushing us.

"Good morning class. Welcome to Transfiguration Year 4. This year we will be going further in depth with our transformations and learning about animagus and other forms of human shape shifting. For those of you interested this year is the first year for you students to be offered a class that will be focusing on Transubstantial Transfiguration. If any of you wish to attend this class please see me after lunch."

As the class began I seemed to become more and more interested in transfiguration. This class was definitely interesting. The Weasleys and my roommates did not seem to enjoy it as much as Cho and I did. Throughout the class they made noises and jokes and were constantly interrupting.

By the end of the class everyone got added homework because of the rude behavior. For homework we had to write a 2 foot long essay about the steps it takes to become an animagus.

My next class was Potions. This class was Gryffindor and Slytherin. It Was Not Fun. Whenever I Answered a question all the Slytherins would look at me and call me something along the lines of "mud blood or teacher's pet" I also had to sit next to someone new since there were only about seven Gryffindors. This part was not so bad. Lee Jordan was a friend of Fred and George's and he was very sweet. He helped me make the potion instead of just sitting there like most of the other groups were and he was very kind when talking to me. Unfortunately Professor Snape didn't like Lee and when he brought the potion up to be graded he only gave us a barely passing grade. Snape for some reason was very fond of me. I remember my parents mentioning his name once or twice but I don't remember why. We were assigned to read 3 chapters from our textbooks and write a 4 foot essay on creating potions for homework. At the end of class Lee offered to walk with me to the Great Hall and I gladly accepted.

At lunch I sat with all my friends and decided to write a note to my family.

Dear Mother and Father,
  So far my Hogwarts experience has been delightful. I was sorted into Gryffindor and have made many new friends. M
  The Gryffindor common room is beautiful and so is my dorm. I am sorry that I could not say goodbye to you before I left but I hope that you both are doing well. I am not sure if I'll be able to spend Thanksgiving with all of you. If I am not able to make it home for Thanksgiving I would like you to know that I plan on coming home for the winter holidays. If my plans change I will be sure to let you know.
  Please send my love  to Jack, Romeo, and Hunter and let them know miss them.
"Hey Cami. Who are you writing to?" Asked Oliver.

"My mother and father just to let them know which house I've been sorted into and how it has been so far."

By the end of the day I was pooped. After my final class which was history of magic I had to write 3 essays and fill out two astronomy charts. I wasn't even half way done by dinner. I had to stay up really late to finish the essays and didn't have time to fill out my charts.Even though the homework was a lot to handle my first day at Hogwarts could only be described by one word

  *next chapter will be posted on:
Sunday July 16,2017*

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