Chapter 6: Breakfast

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Camilla's POV:

*beep beep beep*
Uhhhh it's too early to get up

"Cami get up"





"Stop screaming"

"I'll scream if I want too" I yelled at Kara

"Why do you have to be so loud it's 6:30"

"Ask Katie. She set an alarm for the crack of dawn and then bit my arm when I didn't get up"

"You deserved it" said Katie

"Be quiet. I'm going back to sleep" said Kara

"Same"I told Katie

"Noooo" whined Katie

"I need to shower before everyone gets up but it's really dark"

"You've got to be kidding me you wake me up at the crack of dawn because your scared of the dark?"

I was pissed I need my beauty sleep and she wakes me up because she's a coward

"How are you in Gryffindor if your scared of the dark" I taunted her

"Shut up"

"I'm not used to the time difference yet it's 1 am back home, and you pick me to go with you"

"They wouldn't get up and started throwing shoes at me" she said pointing at Angelina and Alicia.

"Fine I'll take a nap later"

~30 minutes later~

"Are y'all ready" I asked my dorm mates hearing my stomach growling. Four girls yelling no soon followed my question.

"K I'm starving I'll see you lot at breakfast"

Since it was only 7 o'clock and no one was in the common room, I guessed that not many people would be in the great hall. So I was still in my comfy pjs because why not.

I was right, there were about 12 students in the great hall, almost all wearing pajamas and none of the students were sitting at Gryffindor.

"Wow looks like I got sorted into the Lazy house" I muttered to myself.

I sat down in the middle of the table and helped myself to some coffee and oatmeal.

I added blueberries to my oatmeal and began to eat.But before I could get my second bite in I saw someone sit down at the other end of the table. I decided that since this was the new me at a new school I needed to be social and make friends so I forced myself to get up and walk to the other end of the table.

"Hi Oliver" I said

"Hey Camilla"

"Please just call me Cami"

I sat down next to him and he looked at my breakfast.

"Your breakfast is really sad looking" he told me, amusement filling in his eyes.

"No it's not." I began to protest. "It's a heart healthy, nutrition filled, energy packed, bowl of tasty goodness."

"No it's not. That's a bowl of warm, smushy, brown stuff, with a side of blueberries".

"Yeah, Yeah whatever" I said giving up on the fight.

"Why are you up so early?" He asked me.

"Katie woke me up for no reason and I decided that I'll just take a nap later, instead of falling back asleep. You?"

"I usually do morning workouts but Peeves locked me in the bathroom for an hour. By the time I got out it was too late to start."

"Nice Shoes"

"Thanks" I said rolling my eyes as he continued to stare at my fuzzy socks I was wearing on my feet instead of shoes.

"Your pajamas aren't too bad either, Ollie" I said grinning at his Spider-Man fleece pants and his matching red shirt that was extremely thin and outlined his muscles.

"Hey, these were a gift from my Mum".

"Well these socks were a gift from my mother too"

"Fine your socks are very nice"

"And your pajamas are so beautiful I want my own." I said giggling.

"So Cami, tell me about yourself."

"Ok well, let me see... hmm... I'm 14 years old, I have 3 brothers, Jack who is 15, Romeo who is 10, and Hunter who is 1. I live in South Hampton, on Long Island but I was born and lived in an apartment in Manhattan till I was 3. I have a Siamonese cat at school with me named Bethany, a dog at home named Cody who is a black greyhound, and my family owns a black owl named Evergreen. My brothers are all wizards but don't go to wizarding school. And what about you?"

"Ok I'm 15 years old, I have a 6 year old sister named Ella. I'm from and live in Fort Augustus, Scotland, and I have two dogs at home, both Collies named Bella and Archie, and I also have a black owl whose name is moonlight.. I enjoy quidditch and watching movies."

We continued to talk but only about school for a few minutes and then Professor Mcgonagall walked up to us and handed Oliver and I our time tables. We were so involved in our conversation that we didn't realize that the Great Hall had been half filled. We finished eating and Oliver asked me,

"Do you wanna walk back to the Common room with me."


Oliver and I compared our time tables and found out we each had a free period at 2:00 on Fridays and Tuesdays and that we both ended early on Wednesdays. We then walked in silence, a comfortable silence.

We walked through the portrait and parted our ways to get changed. I smiled to myself as I walked up to my dorm.

I saw Hermione on the way up and said "morning 'mione"

"Morning Cam. Why are you smiling"

"Oh no reason I just ate a really good breakfast"

She looked at me like I was crazy before walking down the stairs while I continued going up.

My roommates were still getting ready and putting their final touches of makeup on so I hopped in the shower when they went down to eat. I couldn't of asked for a better way to start my first day at Hogwarts.

AN: I really like this chapter and this is how my chapters are gonna look from now on. I feel like doing it in 3rd person didn't show Camilla's personality, so I'll be writing it in her POV from now on. I may switch it up and do Oliver's POV for another chapter. Plz share your thoughts. Thx for reading❤️

*Next chapter will be posted on:
Saturday July 15,2017*

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