Chapter 8: Quidditch

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So it's been about a week since my first day and it has been the best week of my life.

I've made new friends and have become extremely close with Kara and Cho. They are both so sweet. I haven't gotten a reply from my parents but I didn't really expect to get one.

Today is Saturday so I'm going to the quidditch pitch with everyone to play. I probably won't play since I'm not that good.

I've only played about once or twice when I was at tutoring and we had some free time before I got picked up by Tara.

"Alicia, you up?"

"Huh, oh yeah. Is that Cami? It's so dark in here I can't see a thing."

I walked over to one of the larger windows and pulled the curtains open.

"Ahhhhhh. My eyes! What the hell Cami?"

"Oh be quiet Kara it's 8:30 on a Saturday. Why would you wanna waste your day sleeping. It's beautiful out!"

"Sleeping all day is actually very appealing to me at the moment." Said Kara

I didn't know what to say so I said what any mature 14 year old would say "Blah".

"No seriously guys get out of bed" I said

"Noooooo" screamed Katie before ducking her heads under the comforter.

"UP,UP,UP. Have you all forgotten we are going to play quidditch today."

"I'm up" said Angelina instantly hopping out of bed

"That's the spirit! Come on girls, chop, chop. Get ready and I'll be downstairs waiting for you." I said as I grabbed my clothes and ran to the bathrooms quickly to change.

After I got dressed I ran downstairs and did a sort of flip onto the empty couch in the common room. It wasn't much of a flip though it was really just me hopping over the backside of the couch and landing butt first onto the cushion.

"Hey, Camilla. Are you all ready to play quidditch later?" Said Oliver who I had not noticed was sitting on the chair next to the couch till that moment.

"Uh yeah I'm awful at the game though so don't be expecting much from me."

"I'm sure you'll do fine"

A few moments later we both heard loud stomping coming down the girls stairs. We both looked at it and waited to see who was making the loud noise.

4 girls emerged from the staircase all neatfully groomed and dressed ready for the day.

"Ready Cam" asked Kara

"Of course" I replied to them

"See ya later Ollie!"

"Bye Camilla"

We walked out of the portrait hole and talked the entire way to the great hall.

"So you excited for quidditch?" Asked Katie

"Not really I'm terrible at it. We don't really play it a lot in America. I've played it maybe once or twice and didn't do too good. I nearly killed my tutor when I lost grip of the beater bat and it flew right at her head. I ended up giving her a concussion and I fell of my broom while trying to catch the quaffle. I ended up braking 3 toes and a finger."

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