Chapter 4: Sorting Ceremony

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After a bumpy carriage ride to the school and walking into the castle soaked I left my new friends to meet Professor Mcgonagall. Once the first years and I were lined up we walked into the Great Hall. Thankfully because of my shortness I blended in with the first years only being the second tallest.

As I walked next to Mcgonagall I glanced towards the Gryffindor table to see the twins waving vigorously causing me to giggle quietly.

The Headmaster walked to the Podium in the front of the hall, "Hello students of Hogwarts this year we have a new student, who will be starting in her fourth year. Please be kind and help her become comfortable in our school. Welcome miss." Dumbledore then continued with his speech and announced that the reason for the dementors. Then sorting began and I went first.

"Caswell, Camilla"

I sat on the bench in front of the hall nervously. "Ah, I remember sorting your grandparents. Your Pureblood, cunning, you would fit well in Slytherin but you're very courageous asking the sacred sorting hat to not sort you in Slytherin. Not many are courageous enough to even think of that. Better Be GRYFFINDOR!"

Applauses were echoing throughout the Great Hall will added hoots and hallers from the Gryffindor table. I was congratulated by my friends and fellow Gryffindors and really excited to see the dormitory and common room. On the train earlier in the day Katie told me all about the dorms and how nice they were.

I spent the entirety of the feast talking with everyone and met the twins brother Ron, and his friends Harry and Hermione. We all hit it off right away and talked for what seemed like hours.

Throughout the evening I felt eyes on me. Oliver Wood was looking at me for most of the feast and I was sneaking glances at him too. We awkwardly made eye contact once and both quickly looked away. No one else seemed to notice this. Or so I thought.

"Hey, Cami"

"Yeah, Hermione"

Hermione then leaned into me and whispered "Wood's looking at you"

I responded to her by just saying "I don't care" but the blush on my face said other wise.

"Awww does Cami have a crush"

"Really 'mione I just meet the kid."

"Fine, but you guys would be a cute couple."


She then dropped the conversation.

The headmaster got back on the podium and said "Have a good night students."

I was ecstatic when the Gryffindors were walking to the tower.

The group stopped at a portrait of a large women and I looked at it confused.

"Why'd we stop?" I asked

"We're here, this is the fat lady portrait. We tell her the password and she'll let us into the common room" said George

"That's not a very nice name." I thought out loud. No one responded to my opinion.

"Fortuna Major" said Percy

I ran into the Common room and my jaw dropped in awe. I was glad that this was going to be my home for the next few years. It was Perfect.

After taking the time to look around the common room I said goodnight to the twins, Harry, and Ron.  then ran upstairs to find my dorm.

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