Chapter 27: Secrets Revealed

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Camilla's POV:

Everyone got back from the holiday break a few hours ago.

It was tough for me.

I asked Oliver if we could talk and we started towards the astronomy tower.

I kissed him.

"Oliver, I love you."

"I love you too Cam Cam."

"But I can't be with you."

"What do you mean, you can't be with me, of course you can. I love you."

"I can't."


I couldn't respond, I couldn't let him down. He was the light in my darkness and telling him the truth would break me. Tears began to drip as I turned around and started out the astronomy tower.

I felt him grab my shoulder and turn me around.

He looked into my eyes and pulled my sleeve up.

He revealed it.

"Camilla, how could you."

I didn't speak

"You promised me, you promised me you would stand up for yourself, that you wouldn't get sucked into this mess and here you are."

My sight began to blur and his face became blobs of color, I let him down and I would never forgive myself for it.

Oliver's POV:

She ran and I let her. I turned around and sat behind one of the pillars looking out into the forest. Tears spilling from my eyes as the icy January breeze hit my face.

The cold became too much for me to handle so I began the walk back to my room.

Once I got there I wiped off my face and draped a blanket over my shoulders and began to get ready for dinner.

Cami never showed up for dinner. Everyone I was sitting with didn't notice. Kara, Alicia, and Katie were in a deep conversation about the holiday break assignments, Angelina and Hermione discussing Snapes class, the twins talking about new prank ideas and Harry, Ron , and Lee discussing the quidditch playoffs, leaving me to my own thoughts.

Once back at the common room after dinner we lounged on the couch quietly. A few minutes later the girls went up for bed.

After about 2 minutes, I turned around and saw them running down the stairs.

"Camilla's gone." Katie started

"All her belongings are gone." Continued Hermione

"Books, Clothes, sheets, everything." Said Alicia.

Kara stood behind them on the steps crying and being comforted by Angelina.

Everyone's eyes turned towards me.

"We broke up." I said looking down.

"So what she packed up all her belongings and left just cause you dumped her. That seems a little unreasonable." Said Harry.

"No she broke up with me."

"Why?" asked Fred and George.

"She's a death eater. She has a dark mark."

"Her family has been involved with Voldemort for ages." I continued.

"But how?" Asked Hermione.

"Yeah it's Cami." Said Lee

"She wouldn't hurt a fly, how is she a death eater?" Stated Ron.

"I don't know." I said

Everyone looked at me with sad looks on her face.

Kara was still bawling her eyes out. But now she was sitting on the steps.

"Are you ok Oliver" Ron asked as I stared into the space around me, the space that once occupied a carefree, life loving girl.

"I'm lovely, just lovely."

I made my way up the stairs and into my dormitory.

"You really can't trust anyone, now a days." Said Harry gloomily.

A/N: so what do we think, was anyone expecting this? Thanks for reading, love you all💗

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