Chapter 1: Puppet

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Lance had been gone for eighteen months. He shrugged it off like it was nothing, he was the seventh wheel anyways, wasn't he? Allura probably replaced him in Blue, and Coran probably controlled the castle. They would've saved way more planets without him.
Lance felt a small tear roll down his cheek. He wondered how they were, the paladins. He wondered if they even missed him or thought of him from time to time. He felt a finger lift his chin, looking into those familiar Galran eyes.
"Lance, why are you so blue?" Prince Lotor asked softly, leaning back into the seat they were sharing. The throne.
Lance shrugged, wrapping his arms around the prince's neck. "No reason, my prince~" He cooed, pressing his face into the male's neck submissively, following proper body language.
Prince Lotor smiled in satisfaction, one arm holding Lance to his chest, the other holding him beneath his thighs. "Are you content here?" Lotor asked, planting a gentle kiss on Lance's temple. "Yes, my prince." Lance replied softly, turning his head to look up at him. Lotor tapped his cheek, motioning for a kiss. Lance sat up, reaching forward, kissing Lotor's cheek.
"Sir! Prince Lotor!" A Galran commander ran up, looking alert. "Voltron is here, they just breeched our security!" He announced frantically.
Lotor nodded, waving his hand to dismiss him. "Let them come." He said mostly to Lance, chuckling. "Are you ready to play the part?" He asked him, sliding a hand down his bare back.
Lance nodded, completely naked save shorts he was given to cover his lower half. His back was still scarred from being whipped, the deep scars finally starting to fade. "I am ready, my prince."
Prince Lotor nodded, placing Lance's broken and cracked helmet on his head, a chunk of the back broken off. Lotor wrapped a weakened rope around Lance's wrists, tying his hands behind his back. Lance was still facing Lotor, his legs spread to fit on his lap.
Lance's hair had grown, trimmed to cover one eye but not the other. His right eye was a Galran yellow, hidden by his hair. He slumped weakly against Lotor, playing the role of captive.
A few moments later, the Paladins of Voltron broke through the doors to the throne room. A collective gasp was heard as they saw the throne. As Lance assumed, Allura had taken his place, wearing a new suit of armor made to replace his. Lance could feel Prince Lotor stiffen.
"Welcome, paladins~!" He called to them, rubbing his hands across Lance's back, lightly scratching the scarred and broken skin. "I'm so glad you returned, little blue here was getting lonely~" Lotor purred, slipping a hand down Lance's pants.
On queue, Lance let out an audible whimper, trying to pull away. "Let him go!" Keith's voice rang in his ears, and his heart thumped. Lance moved his wrists around, pretending he was struggling to free his hands.
"Now what would be the fun in that?" Prince Lotor teased, lifting Lance up, standing. He slung the Cuban boy over his shoulder, laughing, walking out of the throne room as a hundred Sentries flooded in to keep the paladins busy.

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