Chapter 34: Quiznak

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Keith pulled against his restraints, letting out a blood curling scream, squeezing his eyes shut against the bright druid magic.

"Hold on, Red paladin. We're not close to being finished." The female's voice cut through his cries and whimpers as his skin burned, needles feeding into his bloodstream. "You'll be so powerful~!"

Keith begged his body to resist. He couldn't accept the glowing liquid that was flowing through his veins. He'd be a monster. He'd kill everyone. He let out another scream, trying to wrench his wrist away from the firm cuff, hearing a loud pop.

"That doesn't sound good." A voice from the doorway said, the burning pain going away almost immediately. Keith took deep and shuddering breaths, allowing his head to fall limp from the vertical table.

"Lotor, get out of here!" Haggar growled, marching over to him, her cloak sweeping behind her. "You're supposed to be on your way to Sivoe. You're interrupting my work!"

"You're hurting my slave." The prince growled back, standing taller. Haggar laughed and shook her head, waving for the druids to continue. Lotor flinched when Keith screamed in pain again, hoping he'd lose his voice for some peace and quiet. "He belongs to the empire now. With his Galra blood, he should be able to accept the Quintessence we're feeding into his blood. Now go." Haggar stood between Lotor and Keith, her eyes cold.

Keith looked up as much as his weakened body allowed it, meeting Lotor's gaze. He nodded softly, gritting his teeth. Lotor balled his fists, his mind searching for options.

He could leave Keith and let him die or accept whatever they're giving him, and... Lance. Lance would never forgive Lotor for doing that. Or, Lotor could defy Haggar, his mother, and rescue Keith. He already had Lance, but he needed the others. Shiro. He needed to get Shiro, then Allura would help him find a safe place to hide from the empire. Voltron was an enemy, wasn't he? There'd be no change.

Lotor nodded slowly, letting out a sigh. "Yes, high Priestess. I'm sorry for interrupting." And with that, he left. Keith felt his heart sink, that emotion burning stronger than the pain surging through his veins.

He let out another scream, throwing his head back. He wished his body would die. He was on his own.


Lance sat in his cell, his fingers pulling at his hair, his body trembling violently. Every time Keith's screams echoed through the ship, Lance broke down. Hunk and Pidge were doing their best to calm him, telling him it would be okay.

The screaming stopped. Silence. Lance let out a broken sob, hugging his knees, digging his nails into his skin. "He's gone. He's gone, they- they took him! He's gone!" He laughed hysterically, hot tears still rolling down his face. His laughter melted into heartbroken sobs, his body convulsing with every shallow breath.

"Lance! It's okay! He's not gone!" Hunk pushed, trying to reach his best friend. "They're just taking a snack break! He's okay!" He tried to comfort him, trembling lightly himself.

"This was my fault! If I'd fought harder, I could've saved him, he... he's gone because of me!" Lance sobbed into his knees, trying to rock himself back and forth.

They sat in almost complete silence, save the sobs that were coming from Lance's aching chest. Lance tried to count, tapping his foot, eventually losing count.

A scream echoed down the hallway, and Lance guiltily sighed in relief. Keith is alive. He heard footsteps nearing the hallway, burying his face in his arms.

"Lance?" A sob. "Lance please, look at me." Lance shook his head. "Blue Paladin, look at me. Now." The voice commanded, and Lance obeyed, lifting his eyes.

"We'll get Keith, okay?" Lotor offered a gentle smile, one arm wrapped around a familiar form. The man was leaning against the Prince, looking to be weak.

"I brought some help."

(AN: Sorry for such a short chapter! I needed a small break haha.)

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