Chapter 11: Too Late To Share?

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AN: Another NSFW warning 👀

Lance chewed on his lower lip, his brows furrowed in thought. "I should talk to Keith about this." Lance murmured, sighing. Prince Lotor set his drink down, standing. He walked over to Lance, lifting his chin. "Why should you? You're your own person, no?" He leaned in close, looking into Lance's eyes. Lance swallowed hard, feeling Lotor rub his thumb on the corner of Lance's mouth, tracing lightly over his rough lips. His face turned pink, staring up at Lotor. "I do hope Red is willing to share..," Lotor whispered, his lips forming a smirk. "Or else I'll take you for myself."

Lance felt the hair on the back of his neck raise, goosebumps covering his arms. "Y-Yes, my prince." He stuttered, feeling Lotor trail a hand up his thigh. Lance pushed his tongue past his lips, pressing his tongue to Lotor's thumb. The Galran smiled, pulling his hand away. "Lance, come." He backed up, sitting in his chair again. Lance nodded, walking over and straddling the Prince's lap, his hancuffed hands pressed to Lotor's chest. He looked down at the Galran, smiling softly as Lotor took the handcuffs off, throwing them aside.

Lotor trailed his hands up Lance's sides, kissing at the blue paladin's neck, hiking the shirt higher up. He pulled away, disregarding the clothing without another thought. He bit gently at Lance's shoulder, making the younger male gasp, a moan escaping his lips. "Good boy." Lotor praised him, smirking.

Lance clung to the prince, whimpering softly, grinding his hips into Lotor's lap, his pants tightened. "You sure enjoy this..." Prince Lotor teased, pulling Lance's head down, pressing their lips together. Lance closed his eyes, kissing hungrily at Lotor's lips, moaning and whimpering as Lotor's hands kissed every part of his body. Lance jerked away, arching his back and letting out a cry of pleasure, Lotor's fingers having found his nipples. The Galran prince let out a chuckle, leaning in, sucking and biting on one of Lance's nips, making the Cuban boy whine, clinging to Lotor as if he was hanging on for dear life. "N-Not there..." Lance moaned, humping into Lotor's lap. The prince just growled, pinching one, biting and pulling on the other, his free hand roaming down Lance's pants. "Oh- my Prince... d-don't stop..." Lance begged, pulling himself closer, letting a loud moan escape his lips.

Chuckling, Prince Lotor pulled away, gripping Lance's thighs. "We should take this to the bed~" Lotor purred, tracing his canines along Lance's neck. Lance moaned, gasping for air, his face red. "I-I'd love to... But I need to talk to Keith..." He panted, nuzzling into Lotor's neck, kissing the purple skin softly. Lotor hummed in thought, pouting. "Alright. I'll request you tomorrow, I'm expecting an answer." He said firmly, pulling his hands away. Lance nodded, pulling away. "Thank you, my Prince." He said softly, kissing Lotor's forehead. He got off him, grabbing his shirt, walking to the door, knocking softly. He put his shirt back on before the door opened, having managed to calm down his little... friend.

Keith was pacing his cell nervously, not even noticing Lance's return. He had his eyes on the floor, his head down and hair falling past his eyes. "Are you gonna keep brooding or are you going to talk to me?" Lance asked, making Keith freeze, looking up to meet those blue eyes. "Lance!" He exclaimed, rushing over to the bars, looking him up and down. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you? What did you say?"

Lance smiled, reaching for Keith's hand, blushing softly. "Sit down." He said, sitting on the floor. Keith nodded, sitting cross-legged, holding Lance's hand. Lance let out a small sigh, biting his lip. "I'm okay, babe. He didn't hurt me in any way. I um, I have to talk to you about something though..."


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