Chapter 12: Garlic Knots

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"What do you mean Lance?" Keith's voice wavered, his eyes wide. "Y-You... You've been going behind my back with him?" He yanked his hands away, staring at his boyfriend with disbelief. "I trusted you!" He shouted at Lance, not caring when Lance flinched back. "I had NO choice, Keith! He would've murdered my family, taken over the Earth, and probably killed you too!" Lance protested, his eyes welling with tears. "He would've killed me, Keith. I know you wouldn't want that."

"So you decided to side with HIM? The one who's trying to tear our team apart?" Keith produced a knife from who knows where, nearing the cell bars. Lance backed up, scrambling to the other end of the cell. "What team, Keith? They don't want me there. You're the only one who wants me around. OUR team? You mean YOUR team." Lance trembled, watching Keith fearfully.

"So what do you want, Lance?" Keith growled, gripping the knife with white knuckles. "I want you to join me. Please..." Lance begged, wiping at his eyes. "I don't want to lose you, Keith. I love you so stupidly much." He sobbed, breaking down. "This hurts me, Keith. Having to pick sides. I want you, but I don't want the Voltron burden that comes with it."

"What's wrong with Voltron?" Keith asked coldly. "Is it because you're no longer a part of it? You NEED to feel included?" "No- Keith. Have you returned to visit the planets you've freed? Now that there's no Galra controlling it, many have collapsed or gone into Civil Wars. Prince Lotor is trying something new, where they govern themselves but are under his control. Prince Lot-" "ENOUGH with Prince Lotor." Keith roared, gripping the cell bar with his free hand. "You're just his puppet! His little toy for him to mess with! Stop talking about him like he's your savior."

Lance froze, looking back at Keith. "When I was gone for a year and a half, none of you ever sent a message. I was heartbroken, Keith. Especially because of you. That's what made me break. Prince Lotor was the one who comforted me and gave me the attention and affection I needed. Who else was I supposed to trust? The people that ignored me and acted like I was dead for over a year, or the person who cared about me and how I felt?" His voice trembled, fists clenched. "If you hate me that much, Keith. Throw that knife and end this. I won't move away, I'll do whatever you want." Keith raised his throwing arm, his face clouded with anger. "-But keep in mind that if you kill me, Lotor will never forgive you. He will obliterate you AND Voltron, all of the paladins and their families." Lance squeezed his eyes shut, trembling.

Lance heard the knife clatter on the floor, opening his eyes to look at Keith. He dropped it in Lance's cell, his eyes downcast, backing up. The red paladin plopped down on the floor, his hands in his lap, brows furrowed. "Let me think about this." He murmured, going quiet. Lance nodded, letting out a silent 'thank you', leaning his head back against the cell wall. He closed his eyes, calming down his breathing.

It seemed that Lance had fallen asleep, because he only breathed softly and didn't move. Keith looked up at him, feeling conflicted. He was loyal to his team, but Lance had a point... no. He couldn't do that to them. But leaving Lance with Lotor was the last thing he wanted to do. "That greedy damned prince." Keith muttered under his breath, observing Lance's body. He looked at the hickies on his shoulder, the way the prisoner clothes fit loosely on him, how his head leaned to the side. He listened for Lance, hearing him breathing softly, his chest rising and falling slowly. "No... no mis nudos de ajo..." Lance murmured, his expression changing to upset. "Porque son mías..."

Keith smiled softly, tilting his head. He watched Lance continue to mumble random words. "Mis nudos de ajo!" Lance blurted out, jolting awake, looking at Keith with wide eyes. Keith chuckled, covering his mouth with a hand. "Garlic knots? Seriously?" He laughed when Lance pouted. "What?" Lance questioned, tilting his head. "You were mumbling in your sleep about someone taking your garlic knots." Keith teased, smiling.

Lance crossed his arms, pouting. "I shouldn't have taught you Spanish." He joked back at Keith, standing and walking over to the cell bars. He sat down, picking up the knife, looking at it, tilting it in different directions to catch the light. "Where were you hiding this?" He asked, offering it out to Keith. Keith chuckled, taking it back. "Oh, you don't wanna know~" He teased, winking. Lance raised a brow, looking Keith up and down. "Disgusting." He murmured, grinning. Keith laughed, pushing Lance over playfully. Lance sat back up, pouting. "You just can't keep your hands off me!" He laughed, grabbing Keith's hands when he reached for Lance again, looking Keith in the eyes. He leaned in, pressing Keith's hands to his chest, letting go of his wrists. Keith smiled, trailing his hands down, slipping his cold hands under Lance's shirt. Lance gasped, trying to pull away, laughing. "You meanie! That was on purpose!" Keith grinned, leaning in, pulling Lance closer. "You liked it though~" Keith purred, looking at Lance through the cell bars. Lance puffed out his cheeks, blowing the air into Keith's face. "Just kiss me already." He growled. Keith chuckled, leaning in. "Why should I?" He teased, catching Lance's lower lip between his teeth, pulling gently. The Cuban boy's cheeks turned red, his breath hitching. "'Cause you love me..." He murmured, looking into Keith's eyes. Keith smiled, letting go of Lance's lip, kissing him softly. Lance closed his eyes, kissing back sweetly, feeling Keith's hands roam under his shirt. He let out a soft moan, pressing his tongue to Keith's lips. Keith pulled away, grinning. "I've made my choice." He whispered, looking at Lance. Lance opened his eyes, raising a questioning brow.

"I'll join."

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