Chapter 15: A Gift

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*gasp* another chapter? Yep! I'm procrastinating and school starts tomorrow haha. I might write a few more chapters before this week ends.

Keith was woken up by Prince Lotor, who seemed to be in their cell. "Come with me, Red." He whispered, eyeing Lance. Keith nodded, getting up, careful not to wake Lance up. He followed Prince Lotor to what looked like an interrogation room, taking a seat in the chair reluctantly.

"I only have a few questions and things I'd like to discuss with you." Lotor informed the red paladin, who looked curious and anxious. He smiled, sitting across from Keith. "To begin, how did you find the Blue lion?" He asked, leaning on the table, fingers clasped together. Keith swallowed nervously, looking into Lotor's eyes. "I was on my own while Shiro was gone, and was getting strange readings and signs. I felt drawn to look for whatever it was, hoping it was Shiro. The readings went crazy the night he crashed into Earth." Keith said hesitantly, eyeing Lotor. "And how did you know how to pilot?" Lotor asked, raising a brow. "I was the top of my class at the Garrison. I dropped out, and Lanc- I mean, Blue, Yellow, and Green were also in it. Black graduated a few years before I did."

"So you all attended the Garrison Academy?" Lotor questioned. "Yes, we all did." The Galran prince nodded, humming softly in thought. "And Princess Allura flew the Blue Lion while Lance was... out of service, correct?" Keith grit his teeth, looking away. "Yes." Lotor stood up, walking around to Keith's side, crouching down. "Now... to Lance. Has he told you how much he cares for you?" Lotor asked. Keith shook his head, looking at his hands. "He will still choose you over me. Even after everything I did to change that, he still feels connected to you." Lotor said with a twinge of jealousy in his tone. "We have a common goal. I want to trust you, Keith. If we can work together, we can ensure Lance's happiness." Lotor smiled softly. "Just imagine, two half-breeds and a human leading the most powerful empire in the universe." He whispered.

Keith felt anger flare in his chest, punching Lotor across the face. "You tried to CHANGE him? Was taking his eye not enough? You needed to take away his happiness? His support? His lifeline? Me?!" Keith yelled angrily, standing up. "I don't know what you're planning, Lotor, but I'm only here for Lance. I'm not another one of your toys." He growled, storming off.

Keith was stopped outside the door, a Galran guard looking down at him. He nodded to his guard partner, who escorted Keith back to his cell. The guard walked into the interrogation room, standing at attention for Prince Lotor. "Did he hurt you, sir?" He asked, looking worried.

Lotor growled softly, spitting blood and spit to the side, touching his soon-to-be bruised jaw. "No, I'm not hurt. But Lance will be."

Keith stayed awake, cuddled into Lance until they were woken up by a guard. They both made their way to the training deck, Lance still blinking away sleep. "Good morning, Red. Good morning, Blue." Prince Lotor greeted them, standing straighter. He was in his battle armor, grinning. "Blue, I have a gift for you." He said smoothly, motioning a guard to walk over. Keith watched anxiously, his eyes narrowed. Lotor nodded to the guard, who gave Lance a firm punch across the jaw, making him cry out and stumble backwards, staring at Lotor in shock.

Before Lance could speak, Lotor explained. "Your little Red here is a feisty one, I'll grant you that." He smirked in Keith's direction. "Did you forget my second rule? Don't give me a next time." He growled softly. Keith looked at Lance, a guilty look on his face. "I'm sorry, Lance." He whispered, soaking in the look of betrayal. "Red, do you understand?" Lotor asked firmly.

"Yes... sir."

Vrepit Sa (Voltron Fanfiction) - CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now