Chapter 20: Branding

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AN: Do you guys want me to update less? I'm trying to do one or two at least every day while the story is still fresh in my mind. Ahh all I ask is that you please vote/comment 💕

"Prince Lotor, the Red Lion is gone!" A general announced to the prince nervously, one knee bowed. "Did someone take it?" Lotor asked, his voice cold. "N-No, sire. It woke up and broke through the hangar doors. The Blue Lion is still here." He bowed his head, closing his eyes. The Prince had bags under his eyes, a dull expression on his face. "Track that lion. Chances are it's gone back to it's paladin. He may be in danger." The general nodded, running off to do as told.

Lance looked at his hands, laying in his bed, the lights off. A soft blue light glowed to make him feel at home, though he knew it was nothing like home. He was told to rest, but he couldn't find sleep. Getting up, he wandered aimlessly through the hallways, feeling weak and fragile, running his hand along the wall. As he passed by a dark corridor, he was pulled aside, pinned to the wall harshly. His mouth was covered, a blade pressed against his throat. He tried not to swallow, feeling warm blood drip down his neck as he squeezed his eyes shut.

The attacker pulled their hand away, still pinning Lance to the wall, putting pressure on the blade, making him whimper. "Why did you betray Voltron? Why are you siding with Lotor?" The voice growled, their face inches from Lance's ear. "I-I had no choice..." Lance whined, trying to calm his pounding heart. "So you lied? To both Lotor and Voltron?" The voice scoffed, squeezing Lance's wrist. Lance cried out weakly, gasping sharply. "P-Please... I just want the universe to be safe..." He begged, feeling the attacker squeeze harder. It felt like they were going to snap it in two. "Who are you loyal to?" The voice growled lowly, making Lance tremble. "I-I'm loyal to the Galra empire... to Prince Lotor, heir to the Galran Throne." Lance whimpered, preparing for the worst.

Lance gasped, his attacker ripping his shirt off. He caught a glimpse of light, seeing a Galran before him. "Who are you?" Lance tried to push him away, receiving a growl. "Please, no- Why are you doing this?" He whimpered, getting no answer. His mouth was covered again, his eyes wide with fear. The Galran carefully started to cut letters into Lance's chest, keeping his body still as he worked, the hand covering Lance's mouth muffling his cries and sobs. When he was done, he backed away from Lance, running down another hallway, leaving Lance gasping and alone. Lance slumped against the wall, his head spinning, sliding down the wall. Trying to keep his heavy eyelids open, Lance let out a light whimper, passing out.

Lotor was growing restless, Lance wasn't in his room when he left to check on him. In fact, he looked everywhere he thought the boy would go. He checked the hangar where the Blue Lion rested. It was still there. He checked the escape pods, fighters, ships, logs, everything. Nothing. He turned to the surveillance. He followed the videos of Lance, reaching a dead end when Lance wasn't seen in any more videos. A guard rushed to the door, standing at attention. "Sir! We found the Blue Paladin in an empty corridor, he's been moved to your private chambers." He said nervously, stepping back from the door when Lotor swept past.

Prince Lotor walked into his bedroom, not sure of what to expect. This certainly wasn't it. Lance was sitting on the floor, against the Prince's bed, breathing shakily, his chest and neck bloodied. Some blood was smeared on his right wrist and face, his eyes wide and lifeless as he stared at the floor, oddly still. Lotor walked over, crouching down, lifting Lance's chin. "Blue, Lance. Are you alright?" He asked, anger edging into his tone. Lance didn't respond, seeming frozen in a daze. His mouth moved, yet no words came out.

Lotor looked at Lance's bare chest, audibly growling at the sight of the words carved into his tan skin.

Vrepit Sa.

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