Chapter 31: Breaking Apart

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"Allura, need I remind you that Blue rejected you? She's mine now." Lance snapped, walking closer to her. "You always make me feel like shit. No matter what I do, I can never satisfy you. You're a princess, right? A princess of what people? You have no authority over me. So what if I'm twelve ticks late? So what if I'm the weakest link? I'm still a fucking member of this team. I deserve to be treated like one." His words dripped like acid off his tongue, stinging into every wound she'd tried to heal. "I'm getting my fucking team back." He growled, spinning on his heel and marching off. "I don't give a damn if I have to stay behind, I just want them safe. So good fucking luck with my Lion, Allura."

Shiro stared at Lance's back as he walked off, his eyes wide with surprise. He heard a sniffle come from Allura, looking up quickly to see that she was crying. He rushed over to her, pulling her hands away from her face, whispering reassuring things to her. Her breathing eventually calmed down, their faces now centimeters apart.

"He's so... mean." She whispered, closing the distance, pulling Shiro closer. "I know," Shiro sighed between kisses, holding her gently. "We'll get our team back."

Allura pulled away, wiping at her eyes, nodding. "Let's go, then." She stuttered, her cheeks a soft pink. Shiro smiled, pulling her in for a tight hug, then jogging to his lion's hangar.

He met Lance outside, who still seemed in a pissy mood. "Let's go." He snapped, and they both set off. When a silence settled between them, Shiro took a breath to speak. "No." Lance immediately said, pushing his lion to go faster.

When they reached the main cruiser, Lance slowed Blue down, tapping things into the Altean keyboard Lotor taught him to read. When a beep was heard, he spoke purposefully, sitting straight. "This is Lance McClain, the blue paladin and a leg of Voltron. I'm here to turn my lion in." He watched as fighters flew out, semi-escorting him to the ship as Shiro stayed back on a nearby moon, watching closely.

Lance landed in the large hangar, next to the other lions. He saw Lotor walking towards his lion, getting up and running out to meet him. He threw his arms around the Prince's neck, hugging him tightly. "They haven't changed." He muttered, looking up to meet Lotor's eyes.

Lotor put a hand to Lance's cheek, wiping away the tears. "It's okay, Lance." He whispered, stepping back. "Follow me." He ordered, turning and walking away.

Lance obediently followed, keeping his eyes down. He walked down the familiar hallways, lead past the prison cells and to the control room. When he had passed the cells, he heard a stir from within the cells, keeping himself from looking toward the noise.

"Lance?" Keith's voice questioned when the door opened, and Lance's head snapped up, meeting Keith's gaze.

"Keith!! Keith you're okay!" Lance threw his helmet aside, running to Keith, pulling him in for a tight hug. Keith lost his balance, Lance falling on top of him. They both erupted with laughter, until Lance pulled Keith's face in for a passionate kiss. "I'm so glad you're alive." He whispered, pulling away.

Keith's face was bright red, looking around to see all the attention was on them. "I'm glad to see you." He pushed Lance off of him, sitting up. Lotor walked over, offering a hand to him. Keith gratefully took it, grasping with his uninjured hand. He thanked the Prince and turned to Lance, who was brushing himself off.

Lotor put a hand on Keith's back, standing beside him. "We appreciate you bringing the Blue Lion to us, Lance, but I asked for both Blue and Black." Lance swallowed a lump in his throat, lowering his head. "I'm sorry, Lotor. I tried to convince Shiro to come with me," He paused, looking up to meet Keith's eyes. "But he doesn't want to give up Voltron."

"Ask him. The green one's life is on the line. What was her name? Bridge? P... Pidge! That's what it is!" Lotor chuckled, offering Lance's helmet to him. Looking down at it, Lance sighed, turning the coms on.

"Shiro, Lotor is demanding the Black Lion. He said Pidge will be... you know..." He said nervously, looking out to the moon. "Keith is hurt real bad. I can't find Hunk, and I-I'm scared, Shiro."

"I want to trust you, Lance. But it's a trap. I know it." Shiro replied, making Lotor frown. He stepped closer to Lance, giving him an apologetic smile. "This will hurt." Lotor whispered to him, punching him across the face. Lance cried out in pain, hearing a soft crack, his eyes widening. "Lance? Lance are you okay?" Shiro's voice asked through the helmet. Lance put a hand to his cheek, touching the stinging mark. Lotor grabbed Lance's free arm and twisted it behind his back, pulling.

Lance cried out in pain, trying to pull against Lotor's firm grip. Keith hesitantly walked over, roughly kneeing Lance in the stomach. "Lance?" Shiro's voice sounded panicked as he heard more cries of pain, followed by ragged breathing. "S-Shiro, I'm sorry,.." Lance groaned, trying to kick against Lotor. "Stop! Please! It hurts!" He begged, pulling away from him. Keith caught Lance in his arms when he stumbled forward, pressing a knife to his throat. "Don't fight." He hissed, low enough to where Shiro couldn't hear. Lance nodded quickly, pulling away from Keith.

"Lance, I'm coming. Try to find them." Shiro ordered, sending his Lion flying in the direction of the ship. Lance sank to his knees, cradling his arm, squeezing his eyes shut. Keith knelt down in front of Lance, pressing a hand gently to Lance's jaw. He winced at the touch, looking up to meet Keith's eyes. "I'm sorry, Lance." He whispered, rubbing a soft circle on his cheek. Lance blinked, looking away, looking up to see Lotor shouting orders to his generals as the Black Lion neared.

Lance leaned into Keith's touch, feeling Keith wrap his other arm around him. "I'm sorry, Keith." He whispered shakily, rubbing his jaw. "I think it's broken." Keith sighed softly, helping Lance up to his feet. "Prince Lotor, I'm taking Lance to your room." He told the prince, receiving a nod. Lance was lead back to Lotor's room, leaning into Keith's shoulder, walking with a light limp.

Keith smiled at Avuus when she rushed up to meet them, stepping back when she threw her arms around Lance and hugged him tight. "Lance! Thank Daibazaal you're okay!" She smiled happily, reaching up and touching his cheek. "Are you injured? Your jaw..." She trailed off, looking over to Keith. "His jaw is broken. He needs Quintessence." Keith answered for him, stretching his arms. "My arm feels 10 times better already, thank you, Avuus."

She smiled fondly at him, pulling Lance's head down, looking into his good eye. "Lotor missed you, very much. Keith had to keep him company at night, he was having nightmares without you." She said honestly, running her fingers through Lance's hair. Lance pulled away, smiling nervously. "I missed him too. And uh, I lashed out at Allura. It was miserable under their stress. I'm sorry."

Keith put a hand on Lance's back, smiling softly at him. "Just rest. I'll stay with you." Lance nodded, walking over to the bed, sitting down on the white silk. He ran his fingers over the purple comforter, feeling the bed dip next to him. He looked up to see Keith smiling down at him, leaning in and kissing his lips softly.

Avuus walked back with a small jar of Quintessence, smiling at the two of them. "Lance, may I put the Quintessence on you?" Lance looked over at her, smiling and nodding. She dipped her fingers in the glowing liquid, reaching down, rubbing it into his swollen cheek. Lance held Keith's hand, sitting still for her.

When she was done, she rubbed some on his shoulder, then moving to Keith's shoulder. Lotor walked in just as she was finishing up, a triumphant grin on his face. He looked at the two boys on his bed, walking over. "We've won~!" He said cheerily, nodding to a servant by the door. "Bring the finest clothes for these two boys. Tonight, we celebrate!"

Lance and Keith exchanged glances, and Lance decided to speak up. "What happened to Shiro?" Lotor looked back at them, chuckling. "He's been sedated. I'm not sure what to do with him, but he'll be put into an induced coma. Harmless." "What about Hunk and Pidge?" Keith asked, sitting straighter. "They'll join us at the celebration. If they prove to be harmless, then I'll give them the same freedoms as you two. Does the green one like dresses or suits?"

They both shrugged, Lance speaking up. "Suits, probably."

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