Chapter 6: New and Improved

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(AN: Some fighting yee. Language warning, not too harsh, but still lol.)

Lance walked into the control room the next morning, sporting a fresh haircut that Shiro did pretty well on. His Galran eye was no longer hidden, getting double takes from everyone but Shiro and Keith. Lance didn't know where to sit, so he stayed by the door, leaning against the wall. When no one said or did anything, he sighed, closing his eyes. "So, what's the plan today, Princess?" He asked, crossing his arms.

Allura nodded, looking at the others. "Paladins, we received a distress call from a planet not too far away, they said the Galrans have retaken their freed planet." She looked over at Lance, who was looking at her intently. He nodded, motioning for her to continue. "We'll... uh, remain in our current formation, unless Lance wants to try piloting the Blue Lion again." She looked at him for an answer. "No thanks, Princess. I'd rather not try to bond with her again during a mission. I'll stay here with Coran." Lance replied, shrugging. "If Coran wants me around." He looked at Coran. "I suppose an extra pair of hands could help. Sure, Lance."

Lance smiled, nodding. He looked at Allura again, raising a brow. She got the queue, telling the paladins to go to their lions. When they left, Lance walked over to Coran, his hands behind his back, peeking over his shoulder. "So, how's it been lately?" He asked, trying to start a conversation.

Coran tapped at the main screen, showing visuals from inside all the lions. "It's been tough, Lotor is always one step ahead of us. We had a hard time with Allura in the Blue Lion at first, she bumped into each lion at least twice." He shrugged, watching the screens intently.

Lance nodded, stepping back. He watched what they were doing, picking up a communicator. "Allura, on your left. Use Blue's attack beam on the middle belly of the attack ship, Pidge attack the engine thrusters. Hunk, dent their Aion cannon. Keith, main haul." He told them, furrowing his brows when they didn't do anything. "Guys, do it." He said irritably. When they still didn't move, he sighed. "What?"

"Shiro is the one to give us orders." Pidge replied, sighing. "Why don't we form Voltron?" "Pidge, I spent a year and a half on a Galra ship. I'm sure I know where to attack. So just hit the damn thrusters and do what I told you to do." He snapped over the coms, putting it back down. He didn't look at Coran, standing rigid. "They don't know what they're doing." He muttered, crossing his arms.

Shiro repeated what Lance said, and they finally moved, doing as told. Lance looked at Coran, sighing. "Since they don't want my help, is it okay to go to the training deck?"

Coran shrugged, nodding. "Go ahead, yell if you need anything." Lance nodded and walked away, going to the training deck. He stood in the middle of the room, stretching out. "Level: 1, Difficulty: Hard." He called to the computer, taking a fighting stance. A guard dropped down in front of him, holding a staff, buzzing with electricity at the ends. Lance grinned, stepping out of the way of the first attack.

By the time the paladins returned from their mission, Lance was still on the training deck, dripping sweat, stripped down to his shorts. Bodies of guards littered the floor, not a single mark on Lance. They watched him in awe, having never seen him fight this well. Lance wiped sweat off his forehead before another two guards dropped down, rushing in from both sides.

When he called for it to stop, it read back his score. "Level: 74, Difficulty: Hard." He was panting hard, swaying slightly. His hands were red and bloodied from punching and attacking the metal guards, his knuckles looking the worst. He smiled in satisfaction at his accomplishment, laying down on the cold floor. His hands stopped bleeding surprisingly quick, probably another effect of the quintessence. When he opened his eyes, he saw the other paladins looking at him, sitting up quickly. "Oh, hey guys! How was it? Did you kick ass?" He grinned, picking up his discarded clothes.

"When did you learn to fight like that?" Hunk asked, looking shocked. "Dude, you and I were the worst on the team with fighting. And you don't even have your bayard." Lance shrugged, rubbing his sore knuckles. "I wasn't sent to the Gladiator ring, but I kept training anyways." He panted out, deciding to sit back down. "Sorry, I'm outta breath. Not used to this." Lance smiled, closing his eyes and taking deep breaths.

He peeked an eye open, looking at the paladins that were still staring at him. "Qué?"

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