My Reputation

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"What's the difference between the staff here and those souls?" I ask carrying along the plate of unfinished dessert.

"You really do love food." Ocean eyes crinkle in a warm smile. "There's not much difference. All of us had our souls sent here after our deaths, but the ones working here are the souls who are either afraid to loose their memory when entering afterlife or those who think that the next life they gain would be more bitter, and some are waiting for their loved ones to arrive."

"There is actually a lot more reasons, but in summary we are the ones that choose not to be sent to the next life. But it is not for all, you won't find any criminals here or people involved in other shady businesses."

"Hades has very narrow list of criterion." He laughs when he finishes as if remembering something extremely entertaining.

"So why did you stay?" I query and he lowers his kind eyes to mine.

"I wanted to serve him, I owe him my life."

There was something in how these words were said that made you pause and wonder, but the same time it told you that it was better left off in the past.

Raising my hand I pat his back and do not ask further on his personal matters. "So everyone here was not trialled?"

Will shook his head and then nodded to the guards standing by with sheathed swords. "All of us has been judged and only then are we given such an option."

"Really?" My brows were raised and I felt a chill down my spine. "Then why am I not being judged?"

"Mhmm, why should you-" His response was cut off in a stampede of soldiers, and we moved closer to the walls to let them pass uninterrupted. And when the large group passed us by, a woman in battle armour detached herself from its tail and came upto William with a stern gaze like an elder preparing to give a lecture.

But all she did was glare with her hands crossed over her breastplate and William lowered his head to glance at me sideways.

Taking the hint I raised my hand to speak. "I was the one who forced him to show me around, he really did not intentionally ditch his duties. Please don't scold him."

Two sets of eyes, one blue like the oceans and one dark like the night sky stared at me with amusement and loosing the initial oppressive pressure, she heavily sighs.

"I can't scold him, but I wish could." And with that she turned around and left.

"I was hoping for you tell something like Hades wanting for me to accompany you, but this is good too." His fingers reach for my hair and I cleverly sidestep, but his smirk doesn't dull.

"But sadly I still have to leave. And since you love to eat I will sent you to the kitchen and you can munch down whatever you want from there till I come back." He extends his arms again with the same intent and I began to run. The whole while of the short chase was filled with him yelling for me to change directions till it ended before the palace kitchen.

"Be good." I stood still for a moment to let him finally mess my hair to tangles, but when his long fingers showed no signs of stopping, I pushed him away and closed the door making all the busy bodies in the spacious kitchen look my way.

"Hey..." I wave.

A maid holding a cup of tea was the first to move, while the rest fifteen or so stared without reproach. The said young woman with long chestnut locks placed her cup on the counter and poured another from the steaming kettle before indicating at a boy of maybe ten years.

And this boy with a beaming smile and hair the same shade as the woman, cut very close to his scalp brought the cup for me to have and then skipped back to the kind lady's side.

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