A very very unwanted Guest

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Beautiful but dangerous.

As lightening dances through the Kingdom of books, I stare open mouthed from his declaration.

Hades' brother?

Coming to my senses, I decided to continue the ninja running episode, but I couldn't not before I could point out.

"The lightning is not helping,"

"Oh sorry."

He sounded sincere as he apologised and the sudden change in his attitude made me curious, persuading me to listen.

"So you are Zeus?"

"I mean Lord Zeus." I corrected quickly not wanting to test his temper. And tried to do a courtesy by bowing to look  respectful.

Waving his hand he smiled in amusement. "It's cool. You can call me Zeus."

I nodded, still in the same position.

"Look, you don't have to do that too." He said indicating me to straighten up.

"I can't."

This confused him making him ask."What?"

I laughed without humour. "Its like this, you see I stretched the leg at the back way too far. So if I were to move even an inch, I will fall."

Taking note of the position of my legs realization flashed through his features.

"So can you help me?" I asked with hesitation.

"Yep." He thankfully helped me get up.


He chuckled saying. "No problem, I don't want your pretty face messed up."

My brows knitted up at his words and furrowed further when he tugged at my hand which he refused to let go.

"Hey, you are pretty soft." And before I could say a word, I was pulled into a hug getting squeezed in between his arms like a teddy bear.

When the moment of shock passed, I pushed him back with all my strength put behind my arms.

"Don't glare it's rude." He pinched my nose evidently trying hard to keep on a straight face as I ran back a couples of steps.

"What's going on up there?" he inquired, tapping my head covering up the distance in God's speed.

I stuck my tongue out to him and he smiled least offended, and like his brother's, it was wort a free Disney land ticket.

Keeping in mind that he was still a powerful stranger, I once again put feets between us.

Seven feet seems good. I gave myself an approving node.

But in stupidity,  I made the mistake of looking up at him and I was unable to break out of the trance those bright blue eyes put me in.

Taking in my amazement , he asked."What are you doing?"

"Theres lightning in your eyes." I replied automatically.

He chuckled at the reply." And are they distracting?"

"Yeah, they are beautiful," I admitted absentmindedly to which he raised an eyebrow with a cocky smile tugging at his lips.

"Oh. No no no. Yes.....wait. Yes, they are beautiful and no I am not trying to...you know.......Oh God." I shuttered clenching and unclenching my fists.

And I knew that there waa nothing that I could say that would change his perception of my compliment with that arrogance of his sweeping through his smirk.

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