William Isherwood

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"Will, take me to him." He bowed deeply with amusement. "

Yes milady. This way please."

"Yuck." I scrunched my nose and he laughed throwing back his head.

To make sure we out of earshot, I sneaked a peek back to find only the soldiers with matching dumbfounded expression and Hades nowhere in sight.

I looked up at Will to meet his clever eyes."So, answers please."

Taken aback by the request, he rubbed his neck asking. "What do you want to know?"

I  shrug. "Everything."

"Okay, then let's start with the easy one." I nodded. "My name is William Isherwood"

"Cool name Mr. Isherwood."

"Thank you and I like your name too. Especially your middle name, Rain, rarely heard of." Suddenly we were girls back in high school restrooms throwing compliments at each other.

"Well, I am twenty-three...for some time."

"Very, very." I offered the correction.

He sighed turning slightly red as he said. "For a very, very long time. It's been five centuries till date."

"Wow. Go on." I promoted having an evil laugh to myself.

He nodded. "I am a demigod, half human half god."

Oh boy, he wasn't prepared for what was about to come. The initial scream startled him, the bone-crushing hug confused him, and the nonsense that followed frightened him ashen.

"Oh my God, oh my God. A DEMIGOD, I KNEW IT."

"I wasn't really sure when Hades told me about Greene being a demigod. Does Rick Riordan know that you guys exist? Oh oh, wait, is he a demigod too? Maybe a child of Athena. How can I be so oblivious? "


"Is Percy Jackson real too?!?! Oh YES, YES, YES. Hey wait, then I would have to get rid of Annabeth. Oh no, no, no, I like her too."

"Eyes on the prize Elie, eyes on the prize." I chanted shaking Will by the shoulder like a cola can.


"But what about Annabeth? Shut up heart, and start thinking brain. I will tie them all up, have Nico be put into a t-shirt saying I love sunny beaches.

"Huhahahaha....ha." I stopped midway under the questioning gaze that Will cast me, the type of gaze that questioned your sanity. I cleared my throat.

"Please continue."

He continued looking at me as if expecting me to suddenly start my mindless banter. When he was sure that I had calmed down he went on. "My mother was a mortal while my father was the King of the Gods."

I have heard about him, he is one of the three main Gods and also happens to be Hades' brother. "So Hades is your uncle."

"It seems he is."

"Uncle Hades." We uttered the words together with similar disdain and we so happened to look at each other.


We laughed.

"I died in a battlefield and was sent to Elysium. But I chose to serve Hades, both because I owe him my life and the honor of being able to stand near him." I had always known that he respected Hades though they seemed more like brothers.

I decided to ask the question that had been bugging me for a while. "You aren't a normal guard are you?"

With a small smile playing on his lips he confessed. "I happen to be the general of the army of the Underworld." Pride laced his words, but not one that was clouded by ego and arrogance.No wonder everyone bows.

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