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When I opened my eyes, I found myself amongst the giants whose roots hugged the earth, and the streams and birds who sung a never-ending song. The richness of the life that dwelled in this forest made me feel at ease, enough to make me forget the knife that was held to my throat when I subconsciously stepped forward.

"I don't think so kid," Greene whispered into my ear.

Now's my chance.

I stopped thrashing and pretended to have fainted which made him support my weight. And am no feather.

I whipped my head back taking advantage of his startled self and following the sickening sound of bones cracking, his iron-grip loosened. With an easy shrug, I stepped away leaving him on his knees clutching his now bleeding nose. I maneuvered a jump-spin-hook-kick to knock him out cold before he could regain composure.

But due to my unrivaled bad luck, all that did not happen.

My attempt had utterly failed due to the failure of my head making contact with his nose; it had instead hit him across the chin, compliments, my short-height. So in truth, I am sitting cross-legged leaning back to a tree with my hands fastened with rough ropes behind me and more hurt than I had been which leaves me to wonder whether there were ways to sharpen one's jaw.

But he was kind enough to pat my shoulder in appreciation of my enthusiasm before examining a levitating map. Naturally.

I wished Hades could save me, even though I knew he wouldn't and couldn't, considering that it was the time of the day when the sun burnt in all its glory.

Will Will try?

I thought to myself and as you can see it's a trick question for I didn't know whether he was allowed outside the Underworld. So there was only one, a female hero that could save and she was me.

He had been through with all the binding and it took me a few minutes get even one knot undone. And as I did, I filled in Greene with a sob story and pleas.

"Please let me go. What have I ever done to you? Hades will never care about me; you are wasting your time. My family will be worried sick, my dog does to let anyone else feed it, and it will starve if I don't go back home." This lead to him no longer giving me as much attention.

"Have you no humanity left in you?" I sobbed heartbreakingly while working on the last of the knots. I rubbed my sore wrists that were painted in red lines while he faced away from me.

I remembered his ability to teleport as I looked for escape roots. But there did not seem to be an alternative than running. And so I quietly stood up and searched for a footpath, but there wasn't a trace of indication of the presence of humans ever stepping foot through these dark woods.

Great, just great.

My respect and admiration for ninjas raised a notch while my confidence fell to nill. For my legs made a crackling sound, and the wide range of dried leaves and twigs, which lay around as landmines set me up on an impossible obstacle course.

The memory of the knife carefully piercing the skin where no major blood vessels laid underneath made me believe that he didn't kill me.

But I came to a sudden stop on hearing a groan and the sound of someone falling down. I turned to see him lying on the ground, without a movement at his side.

Now was the perfect time for me to escape. I thought, but the same time my mind brought up the image of his twisted limbs like popup ads. It made me pause and think about whether he would die if I were to leave him alone.

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