Peaceful Sleep

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"I am happy that the Underworld is your home."

It was only a whisper, but nothing seemed to miss the attention of the beautiful god.

"What was that?" he asked, a trace of something close to humour in his usual disinterested tone.

I stayed silent hoping for the question to magically become un spoken, but I knew he was resolved to know when he poked my cheeks as if to check if I was still alive.

Words, stupid words started sprouting out instantly. "You know because..because if I hadn't fallen into the well like I did, it wouldn't be you who I would end up meeting."

"It might have been Zeus." My nose scrunched at the possibility. When he did not react, I got the confidence to continue.

"I don't think anycome could love this world the way you do." I smiled and seeing how everything seemed awfully sweet I had to point out.

"But I had to treat this old greek god with a big ego." The emphasis on 'old' was cleverly made and the damage was done.

I received passionate glares in return and having the natural affinity towards gorgeous danger, I casually put in.

"But to come to think of it, i got to meet Will so it was worth it."

Jeez, these old people and their sensitivity, I thought noticing his rage behind his eyes intensifying.

But i never would have thought he would respond the way he did. "I too met a child."

My head whipped giving him my best intimidating look.

"Someone with low alcohol capacity and a strange smile. She is never aware of the world outside with a spirit like wildfire."

"I have suffered immensely. From the loss of privacy to her torturous singing, i have suffered."

My mouth fell open which was quickly closed by his smirk.

"When it comes to bad mouthing me you seem to come up with love long sentences." I grumbled repositioning myself to face the river.

The light tap of long fingers was shrugged off as I tried to keep my mind occupied elsewhere. Rolling up my pants and removing my converse I dipped my legs in the cool water shivering in contact.

In silence he mimicked my action looking pleased that he could dip his legs further than mine due to complications in height.

Taken aback from his childness, I stared for a few seconds or so before splashing the waters with my legs.

Keenly he watched as I made another wave innocently asking. " What are you doing?"

"You haven't done it before?" Seeing his carelessness, I smugly smiled. "I will teach you."


I drew back my leg and splashed forward. "Wasn't that high?" I asked quite proud.

He nodded and then did the same, only the abnormally large wave that he created moved sideways soaking me to the skin.

This guy did it on purpose!
Without any intention of an apology he nonchalantly looked down at the lake as I fumed.

Ohh, this means war.

Bending forward, I dipped in both my arms and feet and I splashed a large volume over him.

I began to laugh in his irritation as the water sweeped in the layers of clothing while he glared through the droplets that cascaded his lashes.

Knowing what was about to come, I brsised myself but never would have I been ready for what was to come. The water suddenly had a mind of its own and rose to twice my size.

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